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DOUT4 limits


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Hi, busy with designing my system and wondering or I can hook more then 4 x DOUT4s to my PIC Core? I need more then 128 out signals on my core and can't find any information or I can hook a DOUT to port J10 or J6 for example. J9 is already taken for the switches and same for J5, J7 & J15. Ports J10 & J6 doing nothing. Problem is that I need to hook up 8 segment displays and need for that 16 or 24 digital out signals (2 or 3 DOUTs)... if I can use much more douts, then I will also connect some led rings for the encoders. Don't want to use more Cores to make it only more fancy while have some free ports doing nothing...

any advice or tips?

thx :afro:

Edited by SNG
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Keyword: matrix :)

thx for the keyword, problem is, I can't matrix any dout channel anymore or it has something attached that is not suitable to matrix.... :cry:

ports J10 and J6 doing nothing in my layout, is it possible to use them as additional DOUT ports???? If I kick some segment display behind a MAX7219, I can use the SPI interface with these 2 ports. Easier would be maybe using the design for the midi clock as used in the Midi Monitor. My question is or someone has done this before & is it possible at all?

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  • 2 weeks later...

thx for the keyword, problem is, I can't matrix any dout channel anymore or it has something attached that is not suitable to matrix.... :cry:

ports J10 and J6 doing nothing in my layout, is it possible to use them as additional DOUT ports???? If I kick some segment display behind a MAX7219, I can use the SPI interface with these 2 ports. Easier would be maybe using the design for the midi clock as used in the Midi Monitor. My question is or someone has done this before & is it possible at all?

I just ordered 2 samples of those today. I've been toying with the idea to integrate the 808 into a small sequencer with 2 8x8 led matricies in an 8x16 setup something like a portable SEQ with a 40x2 LCD with basic controls and a DUO LED matrix for rapid track editing. I'm still working through PCB and noticed the MAX7219 was likely a better solution than multiple 74HC595 since it only requires 1 resistor.

A few years back a guy named Narwhal used it by repinning the AIN pins. I'm not sure where he landed with it but I'd like to create a driver using the MAX7219 with the duo led matrix. Let me know if you have any luck with it. I'll be working on the same thing myself.

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