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MBSEQV3: strange behaviour for "Restart ON" of a sequence


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i noticed a little strange behaviour (maybe it's a bug) but please test it first by yourself.

I have described short the steps, how you can rebuild that:

1. I have configure 1 track with Restart ON and HOLD ON (because i want to restart this track for every incoming key from an external input)

2. I have set a note at the first position on that track, which should be played

3. I press now stop(!) on MBSEQV3

4. Now i play a note from an external input

5. Then I press start(!) on MBSEQV3

6. But now the note will be played 2 times instead 1 time which should be (seems it restartes because it recognize that there was a note there - but it that makes no sense if the SEQ was stopped before).

normaly, if the seq is stopped and i have not played a note before - the sequence play the first note one time.

maybe it can be solved, or someone can explain me a solution, how i can solve it :)

Best regards and thanks for help, rio

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Hi Rio,

I can't check this by myself, since both of my MBSEQs are running with the V4 firmware meanwhile, and with this version the scenario is perfectly working (although I never tried this out before ;))

However, in the old V3 firmware it could be that this behaviour is caused by SEQ_TRKMODE_FLAG_RESTART not being cleared by SEQ_CORE_ResetTrkPos

Could you please search in seq_core.inc for following lines:

;; don't increment on the first clock event
[/code] and add following lines thereafter:
[code] ;; clear position reset flag that was probably set in seq_midi.inc during stop mode

If this doesn't help, you will have to continue searching for a possible reason by exploring the source code.

Remote diagnosis is too difficult (and from my previous experiences with you it can be very time consuming ;))

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi all,

i've test it...it has no changes. so if someone want to solve that and who has skill in asm and is interested to solve that, then please let us know...my skills in asm are totally bad :) but for me that problem is not priority! so thx for help anyway.

best regards,


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