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SSM 2044 What is C15-C18 for? Can I use a different value?


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Changing random parts will most likely always affect the circuit.

In this case C15-C18 are part of the input filter on the cutoff CV input. Changing the value (stay within the same range) will not change the sound of filter, it will change how fast (smaller cap) or slow (bigger cap) the filter reacts to changes in the cutoff CV.

Since this is the roughly 25th post of yours like this: Next time, check your list 2 more times before ordering.

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Wow :huh: Very stern...

Nils, Thank you for your replies. I am very grateful to you and I really appreciate it. :flowers:

I'm not trying to be a pest :bug: or fill up the forums with a glut of useless junk. Every time I ask about a part I learn what it does. I search thoroughly first.

But that being said... I iz Po'! :sad:

Here's what happened...

I spent 2 x 15 hour days on my order list.

I previously destroyed my credit so I have no hope of getting a credit card. I have to use prepaid cards and it cost $5 every time I put money on the card and there's a $20 minimum. It's been raining a lot here (Like today). I'm a stone mason, so rainey mean no workey. That's good cause I have time to work on MidiBox But that's bad cause I don't get paid. I have no extra money for shipping and reloading and such. I had what I had on my card and I checked my list 3 times and the numbers worked out so I ordered. :sweat:

I got components for 4 SSM2044, 2 AOUT NG, 5 Core8, 1 Opl3, 4 SIDs, 2 GM5, 1 MB6582, and assorted DIN/DOUT modules. I got as much as I could afford (to save on shipping and reloading charges). I can't print the order lists out cause I don't have a printer. I have to write everything down and check it off. It's very tedious. So all things considered I made very few mistakes, but I am only human. I know I'm gonna have to make a tidy up order but I'm seeing what I can get away with so I can build a couple complete modules in the meantime. I'm really working hard to learn how and why this stuff works. :geek:

I remember in your forum post about the GM5x5x5 you said it hasn't caused any problems using a 100nF cap in place of the 1uF cap so I keep hoping the same will be true about these other modules. It hasn't though.

So like I said; Thank You Nils. I'm very grateful for your guidance. :super: I apologize for any inconvenience I've caused you. Please cut this impatient MidiBox Noob a little slack. :angel:

Ps. Shuriken: Ha Ha :laugh:

Edited by JRock
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