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How did Wilba do it? SEQ V4 CS with only 6x74HC165 & 2x74HC595


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... considering a standard DIN module uses 4x74HC165 and provides "only" 32 ins (but ~90 are required)

... and a standard DOUT module uses 4x74HC595 and provides "only" 32 outs (but ~60 are required)

The pdfs on ucapps.de gave me no clues, as "only" the standard pinning is mentioned, which is fine, but how would i realize dual color step leds for example?

I guess the keywords are "button matrix" and "led matrix", pointers are very welcome...

I found the respective matrix configurations in the wilba/mbseq_hw.v4 file, but don´t understand the associated necessary wiring yet...

thank you very, very much!


Edited by Hawkeye
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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi MByers

i've got all the parts for finish a MBseq :frantics:

i was thinking building the WILBA's control surface in DIY mode (veroboard) :whistle:

but i realise the WILBA CS is matrix wiring.

can i build it with standard DOUT and DIN for all switchs and duo leds?

or i need to do the matrix switching?


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  • 1 month later...

Ciao all,

since this is my very first post here in the forum, I want to say a big T H A N K Y O U guys for this awesome stuff. Almost everything is well documented and it makes fun to fiddle with these DIY projects.

I am currently building my own SEQ V4. The STM core is running well, together with SD card and displays. Everything worked straight on. No need to post questions up to now ...

Now I am thinking about the user interface. I want to have reduced cable spaghetti, so I am interested in the matrix stuff. I want to describe here how I think it is working. Please any enlightened people correct me, if I have misunderstood something:

Talking about hwcfg/wilba vs. his schematic (Esp. thank you for that, Wilba :wink: !):

This "1" points to U7 - 1st output SR where OUT0-OUT7 is connected? I can specify with the number in "SR" for each button, which of outputs OUT0-OUT7 is connected? like:
18 => pin6 - DOUT6 ?
The "2" points to U2 - 2nd input SR where IN8-IN15 is connected? I can then specify with "Pin" which of IN8-IN15 is used for specific button? like:
5 => IN13 ? Similar for the LEDs:
The "1" also points to U7 - same SR like GP_MAPPING is used for LED matrix? Could be a different one?

This "2" points to U8 - 2nd output SR where DOUT8-DOUT15 is connected?

Some additional questions:

1) Header 3 for Beat LED, usage of OUT15A is specified anywhere? Or just OUT14A+1? Or dualLED not used / implemented / "fake" ?

2) Encoder always use 2 successive inputs (like IN6/IN7), whereas only IN6 is specified in hwcfg file?

3) What about IN40 for knobs / IN41 for datawheel? Is this specified in hwcfg file? Sorry, I did not get the magic behind this. :logik:

Thanks for any comments, suggestions, answers.



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