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Problem setting up mios32 toolchain


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Getting the following error;


rm -f project.hex

Creating object file for app.c

make: arm-none-eabi-gcc: Command not found

make: *** [project_build/app.o] Error 127

Using Win7 pro,

Here are my path vars;

SET PATH= %PATH%;c:\mios32_toolchain\bin;C:\MSYS\1.0\bin

set MIOS32_PATH=/P/info/midi/midi-box/SVN_MIOS32

set MIOS32_BIN_PATH=/P/info/midi/midi-box/SVN_MIOS32/bin

set MIOS32_GCC_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi




set MIOS32_LCD=clcd

I know it's finding the SVN, if I change anything there it bombs out with a "File not found error"

Also it takes a very long time (3 minutes+) before the error pops up.

Any help would be appreciated!


Edited by jmayes
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Print debugging information in addition to normal processing. If

the FLAGS are omitted, then the behavior is the same as if -d was

specified. FLAGS may be a for all debugging output (same as using

-d), b for basic debugging, v for more verbose basic debugging, i

for showing implicit rules, j for details on invocation of com-

mands, and m for debugging while remaking makefiles.

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you put yours in c:\msys\ and not c:\mingw\msys?

try 'make -d' to print debug info

wait, no don't do that, it prints forever....

It's in C:\msys\1.0\

Debug gave me 10 minutes of scrolling info ending in basically the same error

Creating object file for app.c

Reaping winning child 0x0a04bd08 PID 3724

make: arm-none-eabi-gcc: Command not found

Live child 0x0a04bd08 (project_build/app.o) PID 2512

Reaping losing child 0x0a04bd08 PID 2512

make: *** [project_build/app.o] Error 127

Removing child 0x0a04bd08 PID 2512 from chain.

It's telling me that "arm-none-eabi-gcc" is not found (or installed)

I found this in the SVC instructions;

Quickstart STM32 Primer under DOS


We assume, that the MIOS32 repository has been downloaded to D:\mios32, and that

the Ride7 IDE (which comes with STM32 Primer) has been installed. We won't use

the IDE, but build & upload the application from the commandline instead.

So, all we need from Ride7 IDE is the gcc compiler:


and the propritary code upload tool "cortex_pgm.exe" under:


So do I need to install this "Ride7"? If so where do I get it?

Thankx again,


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I don't think I've seen Ride7 anywhere...



The MIDIbox community have created a modified GNU Compiler Collection, ready for use with the ARM Cortex M3 platform. The toolchain contains all of the tools required to build MIOS32 applications including GCC and NEWLIB. MSYS is still currently required although may be added to a later version of the toolchain.

The Toolchain has currently been compiled for Windows (2000+), Mac OS X (Leopard or newer) and Linux x86 (built on Ubuntu 10.10).

The download directory for the toolchain is ftp://ftp.lansystems.co.uk/pub/midibox

Download the latest “windows†file and unzip into your favorite directory, If you unzip into c:\ the toolchain will create c:\mios32_toolchain and various sub-directories containing the toolchain files.

You must add the “bin†directory to your windows path, a temporary way is to type the following in a Windows Command Prompt window: (change c:\mios32_toolchain to wherever you extracted your toolchain)

SET PATH= %PATH%;c:\mios32_toolchain\bin

If you want to make this change permanent (you probably will) follow this Microsoft KB article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310519 This article will also help you when adding the MIOS32 specific variables later on.


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I have followed the windows_mios32_toolchain_core page exactly and pm'd Gecko and he did not install anything I have not so that brings me full circle. Can someone put some light on why I am getting the "arm-none-eabi-gcc" not found error below?


rm -f project.hex

Creating object file for app.c

make: arm-none-eabi-gcc: Command not found

make: *** [project_build/app.o] Error 127

Thankx agian all,


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When I set up the guide you referenced, I noticed that on Vista (and this should be valid for 7, too), things didn't work out well due to the non-conforming mingw suite; I don't know for sure if this has been fixed now.

The easy solution would be to set up a virtual machine running XP and doing the compilation there.

(If you have a valid XP licence around, of course)

Otherwise, you could help yourself by using eclipse and setting up the paths there - that should usually work,

but it's a bit of a hassle to set it up for the first time.

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I got up this morning with a fresh pair of eyes and found that I had not broken out the mios32_toolchain properly from the windows zip file which left mios32_toolchain in a sub dir instead of on the root of C. After I fixed that everything seems to work fine now. Guess it was just too late when I was working on it last night.

Thankx again all for the help!


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