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MB808 oly the sequencer


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I'm building a midibox 808 to use it in my modular and control drums modules.

I've succeded with the software. I've burned my pic 18F462, installing mios v1.9 and MB 808 default.asm.

Mios studio says application is up & running but nothing good on the LCD, just the first two characters are showing something and every time it's the same. I ve changed for an other LCD display , it's not better, triple check connection between pcb and LCD....

Do I connect DIN and DOUT before I'll be able to see something like "READY"on the LCD?

h e l p

T h a n k y o u b y a d v a n c e

w A rP b o y

post-8330-062566400 1304431745_thumb.jpg

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I can add some infos : contrast works correctly, luminance has no effect.

I have looked at J15 checked and re-checked point by point, it seems good.

Should I look at RB0 to RB7...?

The LCD is HD44780 compatible.

Should I see any message on the LCD without DIN DOUT connected? (mios app & mb808 asm files are in the pic)

I posted a screen capture of mios studio.

Any idea ?

thank you

post-8330-031090800 1304450009_thumb.jpg

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It really sounds like a wiring problem. Here are some things you could do to make it easier to help you:

- provide more info about your LCD (make/model, link to datasheet),

- post some detailed photos of your wiring,

- give details about which core pins you have connected to which lcd pins.

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It really sounds like a wiring problem.

I'm stupid...so studpid.... :ike:

I did three times the wiring....and three times fully faulse!

I have inverted D0 to D7 with other eight pins (VS,VD,VO,RW...etc)

Now it works. Button are connected, I have the leds to connect.....

To be continued ! :frantics:

Thank you again

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