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LC: Extra midi buttons

Tim B

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I'm considering building a midibox LC and I was wondering if the LC program allows for extra buttons, rotaries or encoders to be added to which you can assign your own midi messages (like a normal midibox 64e).

I saw something about a Generic Midi mode while reading through the program's code, but I guess that means that you have to switch to that mode on the machine by a key combination?

I would like to be able to simultaneously use LC controls and normal midi controls, is this possible? (if not I could always use something like MidiOx or Bome's midi translator)



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Typically your DAW (like Logic, Cubase, Ableton Live) will allocate the MIDI port for the LC protocol, so that you are not able to control any other parameter from the same port.

Accordingly you have to send MIDI events to a separate MIDI port anyhow.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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It might be more feasible with the Core32 version, perhaps with a little coding effort though. Multiple MIDI ports over USB could be used. The main limitation (I think) will be a shortage of inputs available on a single core, depending on how many controls you want to pack in. You'll also need to use the MF_v3 module (not yet available from SmashTV) if you want touch sensitivity with faders on Core32.


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Thanks for all the replies!

@TK: I know that the Mackie/Logic control protocol takes up 1 channel, but I have been using a Behringer BCR2000 with Cubase and mapped some controls as Mackie controls and others as normal midi. So at least with Cubase it's possible. Besides mackie control only uses CC# 16-23 the rest is all midi-notes and pitchbend.

So it's not possible? Or should I change some code in the LC program?

@findbuddha: I will seek out information about the core32 and the mf_V3 modules. The inputs available aren't going to be a problem. I only want to add the 8 encoders and about 50 buttons.

Thanks again!

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@TK: I know that the Mackie/Logic control protocol takes up 1 channel, but I have been using a Behringer BCR2000 with Cubase and mapped some controls as Mackie controls and others as normal midi. So at least with Cubase it's possible. Besides mackie control only uses CC# 16-23 the rest is all midi-notes and pitchbend.

So it's not possible? Or should I change some code in the LC program?

... actually it's not one Channel but one port

The mapping thing (editing the Mackie/Logic protocol) also can be done with Sequoia/Samplitude. Now there it is also possible with your Cubase, I don't understand the problem from your first post anymore.

If you want to keep all the existing LC-Features/Controls while adding other controls, just take another Core and connect it to another port and map the controls you need.

Greets, Roger

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... actually it's not one Channel but one port

The mapping thing (editing the Mackie/Logic protocol) also can be done with Sequoia/Samplitude. Now there it is also possible with your Cubase, I don't understand the problem from your first post anymore.

If you want to keep all the existing LC-Features/Controls while adding other controls, just take another Core and connect it to another port and map the controls you need.

Greets, Roger

Thanks Roger, yeah, it was a typo, I meant to say port instead of channel!

That's a good idea to use 2 cores! I think I will do that. I think I can use one core's midi out as midi thru then and patch it into the midi in of the other core so I can send all the data through 1 midi out.

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