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DIY DJ controller for virtualDJ

kid vic

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I would like to make a midi controller to use with virtualDJ software. I want to have a motorized platter (like a true turntable), a 4 channel mixer, the ability to switch between 4 decks via a button, an RCA input, effects buttons,loop buttons, start stop buttons, various knobs for EQ, faders, a usb in (for connecting a hard drive or USB device), an LED or LCD screen, and aselector dial. Can anyone suggest a parts list i will need as well as where i can get them? I am brand new to midi's so as much info and links as possible greatly appreciated.


(As a refernece point I would like it to be similar to the Numark NS6)

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1) i like building things 2) i already have a mixtrack which does a lot of the things i need but not all 3) i cant afford to buy an ns6 4) i cant afford to buy an ns7 (which has the motorized platters i want) 5) where i live many people have old technics, numarks, and stantons turntables they are selling so i wanted to retrofit a pair for my needs 6) i like being unique and having something no one else has 7) im uber boastfull so having a custom dj controller i made that does everything good about digital DJing with the controll of vinyl that i made myself would be AWESOME.

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So points 3 and 4 are what I was looking for. The truth is that, while building your own stuff is very fun and rewarding, it is by no means inexpensive (can be quite the contrary) or quick to build. In your case some of your requirements aren't things that MidiBox supports (USB mass storage device hosting) currently. Consider the price of an aluminum front panel as being at least $100, depending on size, and you're already up to the price of budget DJ controllers.

Getting past that, embarking on such a complete project as your first MidiBox project might be asking a lot. If you really want to start getting into this, I would do it a step at a time. Chances are that some of the parts from your first projects can be used in subsequent projects since the MidiBox platform is typically fairly modular.

Have a look at ucapps as this is where the documentation lives for most of the MidiBox core modules and projects. Specifically, you probably want to focus on the MB64 and MB64e. If you live in the states, you can buy kits from SmashTV or at least get an idea on pricing if you want to go the modular kit route. Most of the other tidbits you need you can find off Mouser and other electronic mail-order shops.

I said start small because there's lots of steps between design and reality, particularly when it comes to having to design a control surface that will set you back $100 as noted above. If you miss a measurement or it doesn't feel right, you're out all that dough. Which is one reason why it's quite time consuming to build something like what you want from scratch.

Don't doubt it, though, it is rewarding, but you should consider if it is worth the time investment plus cost or worth just saving your money to buy a commercial solution. My personal thought on that is that if I am going to spent that much money to buy a commercial thing, I could spend more money to build my own :)

Anyways hope that helps! And despite the not totally warm and fuzzy (but realistic) comments above, welcome to the forums!

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hahahaha thank you. its all good, maybe modify my goals to something a little simpler? a stand alone scratch controller based off of an existing turntable? What i really want is a motorized platter. I've seen many CDJ's that i like and i was considering getting a few its just only one had a motorized platter (the numark cdx and that is apperently not very reliable). I've seen a few optical mouse on turntable sending midi data; any idea on how to do that? Thats really what i had wanted to do for the turntable section of this controller. Any ideas on how to do that?

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I think there have been a few designs that have had at least jogwheel style platters. I myself have actually just gotten into actual vinyl (the stuff with music on it, not the timecode stuff) and I'm enjoying the hell out of that :)

Check out the wiki and this sub-forum as good places to start to see what people have done. While that's not a common MidiBox solution, depending on what you wanted to do, you could probably put something together.

The MB64/MB64E platforms are typically for connecting knobs (pots and encoders), sliders, buttons, and LEDs. The firmware makes it rather easy to do some pretty cool things depending on what type of MIDI data you want to sent out from the assortment of knobs and things. There is also some support for motofaders. The new MidiBox platform will combine all of those together into a single MidiBox application I believe, but that is all still being actively worked on.

Point is, I would still start there - if what you are wanting to communicate back to VirtualDJ can be done with MIDI, then whether or not you use a motorized table to do it should be immaterial, though an exactly solution to that escapes me.

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okay so i think we're getting on to similar pages, so if i want to get my final controller thingy i should start with the MB64/MB64E? I know what vinyl is :) thats why im going with a turntable. The thing I've found is that scratching on a jogwheel does'nt feel quite right, doesnt handle, sound or perform the same. My soloution might just be timecode but I'm not sure yet. The optical mouse equipped turntables looked like the best soloution. Anyhow i will start looking at the MB's you mentioned

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Haha I wasn't dispute your knowledge of vinyl - just pointing out I was listening to the real deal over the timecode black magic stuff :) I don't DJ with it though (still use Traktor for that).

I hear most people say that you should go with the MB64E. The difference is really the 'e' means Encoder. The MB64 only works with potentiometers. The difference is that encoders are usually infinite whereas pots have a start and end (think of a volume knob). Both have their pros and cons. I *think* the MB64E supports both pots and encoders though so generally 64E is what you want. Don't hold me to that though :)

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Pseudo-Turntable... Rubbish!

at last they put a needle on it, to have a real turntable design & feeling.

but okay for vdj_s,

also a really hard job to create it..

RESPECT, when its finished !

Hardware of NS6

Wheels: 3600 Ticks/Turn, 6" Dual Zone touchsensive Metallwheel.

a stepper motor helps,

or Motor and Encoder,

but very hard is the "creation of the application".

very Helpful is, to find a part list of the NS6, to see which parts build in.

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hahaha i like "rubbish". I'm using a Numark CDX for motorized scratching because after much research I confirmed this is far beyond my realm of skills. I do have another project i want to look into though, I want to make a MIDI fighter like thing based on two PS2 controlloers. i was thinking of useing this http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=310267962984&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:US:1123

to connect my controllers to my computer, then i realised i would rather have both controllers housed in a single box useing Sanwa buttons or something similar (i dont think the normal Playstation buttons would be easy enough to hit quickly and accuratley for DJ'ing). My questions are: how hard is it to switch the buttons, how could i link the two controllers together and therefore use one port, and how can i use a usb wire and forgo the converter? I have supplys to make the outside of the unit but its the hardware im unsure of.

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