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Pattern Mode explained to dummies?


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Hi everyone,

I've been working on my newly built SEQ v4 (Thanks TK, Wilba, Smash and Julien!) for nearly one day now and I'm still having a hard time figuring out how patterns / groups / tracks / categories, etc. are organized...

I've read the manual a couple of times but still I don't get it completely.

I've been working with basic sequencers before (like Roland TR-626 or DR-5) and I thought I was used to patterns and songs, but here I'm a little lost.

Could someone with an overall view and a good heart describe how those are organized? (especially the Pattern mode screen)? (And also how to change groups and tracks names...)

I'm sure this could help others.


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You're not too far away with the classical Patterns and Song schemes from the old drummachines, however the SeqV4 gives some more flexibilities.

1) Basic Level is a "Track" (I wont go deeper into parameter layers and stuff right now)

Thats one sequence which you usually edit notes in and such.

The "name" of a track is set in the "Track Event" screen, but only shown in the edit screen.

2) Pattern:

Four Tracks form a pattern. This is the basic level you can save. The patterns (due to historical reasons) are organised in Banks and Pattern Numbers.

E.g. 2:E4 is Pattern E4 of bank 2. This allows a large number of patterns, i.e. groups of 4 tracks to be saved in the box.

When you save a pattern (Utility -> Save) you can define a category and a label.

These are displayed in the "Pattern" screen, where you can also select which patterns shall play.

3) Groups:

The Seq can play 16 tracks in parallel. So you can select up to 4 patterns to play in parallel (4x4=16).

To have a different naming, these are assigned as "Groups", so you have Group 1 to 4. This was also from an UI point of view to easier access all 16 tracks via 4 group + 4 track buttons.

4) Song:

Like on the classics, several pattern can be arranged to a song, i.e. a sequence of pattern to be played.

There are song positions (A1 ... P8) for which you can define the 4 patterns to play and for how long, but also stuff like mixer maps etc.

In song mode, it just runs thru as defined in the song positions (think classical linear sequencing)

In phrase mode, it stay in the song position until you manually select another one (think kinda ableton live clips).

Hope that helps.

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  • 8 months later...

Here is another question, after the former ones have been solved (thanks TK!)

I noticed that if I have a 32 steps pattern (A1) and want to chain it with a 64 steps pattern (A2), then A2 will start at step 33 instead of step 1.

I must have missed something...

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