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Software for STM32 Core as USB Midi interface?


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I have an STM32 built that I intended to use in an mb_seq, but in the meantime I would like to use it as a USB Midi interface. That is, I want to be able to have it show up in for example qjackctl under Linux and be able to configure routes between the ports.

Does anyone know of a software load, existing documentation, or a project already underway for this application (STM32 as USB MIDI interface)?



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The Discovery board can run the sequencer app so it should be able to run the MIDI interface example.


Just get the latest MIDIBox sources, make sure to set:



and compile as normal.
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#include <midimon.h> what does this header do? I do not have it...


I dont get where you do the communication between USB and midi in the code (I am new to programming world ;p).


It seems like you do it in app.c, but there are also some leds that are turned on to see if packages are being sent (i will take all leds off from code seeing as GPIO pins are not the same, and I could care less to see a led flash to tell me package is sent, since i can see it on my midi programme)


There is also this terminal.c. I think it is only used to have a "user friendly" interface(not sure). Seing as I do not have an LCD or a way to print the information, I don't think it will be usefull.


Finally, can I take off APP_Periodic_100u (used as timer for the leds) and APP_Background (used to initiate LCD which i do not have)?


I wanted to make sure all this is correct.


Thanks for your time,



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i figured it worked like that, thanks for the tutorial. Seeing the tutorial doe not answer my other questions. But i think i will just wing it ;p. I'm pretty sure there is no problem in taking out terminal.h and .c , leds in app.c and lcd reset in app.c.


Thanks again for the tutorial, it should help a bunch



Edited by nihle
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