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LPC core "hanging"


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OK, so I got the core loaded with the bootstrap and can compile the tutorials, but they seem to hang on the first screen, that is they say "Tutorial #xx" and thats it.

Currently I have Tutorial 24 (the I2S synth) loaded on it and although it has compiled OK, it just hangs on the see readme.txt message. If the application was just loaded in via USB, I get the next scree saying LR, but if I power off and on again, it just hangs at the see readme.txt screen.

Anyone got any ideas whats wrong?



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Read the source code in app.c (thats part of the practice session ;-)

PRINT_MSG_SELECTIONS is only set when a button has been pressed, or a CC event has been received.

Note that this is only a simple demo. A sophisticated menu interface would complicate this demo too much.

And it should inspire you to create something better! :)

(e.g. based on the 027_scs, see for background informations)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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