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midio128 V3


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I built the midio128 v3 along with the SD card and control surface with LCD and rotary encoder. I don't recall any surprises along the way with the exception of the LCD wiring. Don't make any assumptions with the LCD, just follow the instructions. :) The control surface adds another way to do some setup changes of course. The USB connection just worked as advertised.

I'm still struggling with the LPCXpresso IDE to get it to work with complicated projects, but that's another issue that is possibly due to my own limited programming experience.


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I'm still struggling with the LPCXpresso IDE to get it to work with complicated projects, but that's another issue that is possibly due to my own limited programming experience.

The freeware version of the IDE only allows to program 128k of the flash memory, but I am sure you are aware of that, right? Also, such a large project would probably not be something someone with limited programming experience would end up with in the first place...

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The freeware version of the IDE only allows to program 128k of the flash memory, but I am sure you are aware of that, right? Also, such a large project would probably not be something someone with limited programming experience would end up with in the first place...

Thanks Johnk - Unfortunately, I am one of those with limited programming experience, so I will count on the forum's help. however, I don't plan to do much more then getting the matrix to encodemy keyboards, etc. and drive the DOUTS for SAMS. Currently, I have a Core 8 doing the work, and hope to pull it out, and substitute the LPC with midio 128 Ver. 3. Not sure of the procedure to load the DIN and DOUT configuration. Used to be easy with the ".ini" file on Ver. 2. As for the LCD goes, I see a lot out there, but again am not sure of what specs are required, other then it being a 2x20 display.

Thanks again,


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I've messed about with it. Compiled OK and from what I remember, everything was configurable via the LCD and control surface. Do recall I couldn't get any output from the standard MIDI port, USB worked fine, yes I changed the mios32_config.h file. Then got sidetracked doing other things.

The LCD isn't anything to worry too much about.

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I was rather poking John K. to give a few more details about his problem. He was referring to the LPC Expresso IDE, but as long as he does his programming "the MIDIbox way", the 128k limitation is not an issue, as one only needs the LPCExpresso IDE to install the bootloader on the LPC17 core. Once this is done, programming the device is the same as with all other MIDIbox core processors we had before, i.e. using MIDI (in this case, usually MIDI over USB, and with MIOS Studio handshake mode).

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My reference to difficulties with the LPC Expresso IDE had more to do with getting the hang of setting up include and library paths in an IDE that I'd never used before. I'm working in two directions at the moment. One is to port a nice non-MIOS encoder from PIC32 to the LPC1769. My second goal is to learn enough about the MIOS approach to pursue a MIDI over IP project, taking advantage of all the great work that went into MIOS and RTOS. I've also tried out C++ on the Red Suite NXP Edition. So I've got too many learning curves overlapping and I need to try one step at a time.

My main point was that the project itself (midio128 v3) went without a hitch.

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I have a 32x32 matrix working with a Core 8, 4 DIN and 4DOUT. jim henry worked out the programming to assign each 8x8 to a different midi channel. With Ver 3 of midio128, how does the midi channel get assigned. in my case, one matrix has inputs for Swell keyboard on midi channel 1, main 8x8 on channel 2, Solo 8x8 on matrix channel 3, pedal on 8x8 matrix channel 4. in each matrix, the 0-0 position of the matrix starts with midi hex 24, 36 dec. and goes up to 99 dec. that works for all keyboard encoding since they are all the same, but I am stuck with the same midi number assignments for all the rest of the 8x8 matrics. How does the midi note and channel assignment work with the ver. 3 matrix?

I have about 1-2 second latency with the core 8, and expect much better response from the LPC core, yes?

On my organ, I have numerous outputs for SAMS. Is it possible to have an output matrix and an input matrix running at the same time

Finally, if the first din4x/dout4x PCBs are assigned to the 32x32 matrix, are each of pins on the remaining 3 DIN4x and 3 DOUT4x cards individually configurable.

looking forward to your comments.


Jim Henry, anybody - Has anyone implemented the new midio128 v3 with the new LPC core? Any tricks to the setup?

Is mios studio the only way to setup the DINs and DOUTs, oe can an ini file still be used?


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