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Guest 123

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I spent an hour looking for a cheap lcd(backlit,prefferably),and the best I came up with is the

LCD1022(costs $4.95)  at  http://www.bgmicro.com

Anyone had luck with these?

It needs an EL inverter .Is it worth the hassle?

Would it work without using the backlight connections?

I would appreciate if someone could tell me where to find a cheap backlit LCD(i'm in the US).I may just get a regular one for 10$ if I can't find  one.

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Lots of good stuff on Ebay.

And what dimensions do yo need?

And how cheap is "cheap"?

Checked eio.com yet? They do have a $20 minimum order, which is a bummer, but they have what look to be some nice-ish displays for $16, with an LED backlight.

As far as inverters, hmm... I would estimate about ten bucks for an inverter, judging by what I've seen, but, here's another guess, I'll bet the current consumption is pretty high for inverters, might need a pretty beefy wall wart.

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hehe those from BGmicro are great! I order 2 of them! no problem! ;) you just have to make a -5v PSU, very easy to do (you need a diode, 2 caps and a 7905 regulator).

you can order them :) they are the cheapest one I can find... I have trouble with some from ebay.

oh and they are HD44780 compatible :)

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If it needs an EL Inverter its definitely shitty. Extra work, extra money. And if its to cheap you hardly can read your stuff.

As stated before: Ebay! Also the LCDs at Reichelt (reichelt.de) are really good (theyre from Displaytech) but also a little more expensive.

There once was a post about a good supplier of LCDs (also a few ones with e.g red backlight, inverted display) and it was really cheap, too. But I forgot its name. Just search for "LCD" in this forum and youll eventually find it.

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I spent an hour looking for a cheap lcd(backlit,prefferably),and the best I came up with is the

LCD1022(costs $4.95)  at  http://www.bgmicro.com

Anyone had luck with these?

It needs an EL inverter .Is it worth the hassle?

Would it work without using the backlight connections?

I would appreciate if someone could tell me where to find a cheap backlit LCD(i'm in the US).I may just get a regular one for 10$ if I can't find  one.

Heya 123!

Take a look at http://www.pmb.co.nz/ They have a 40x2 line text display with LED backlight and the correct controller for $20NZ (around $12US), and they ship relatively cheap.  I have a few on the way to me now.   ;)

Another great source is http://www.crystalfontz.com, they have a comprehensive line of LCD's (most with a high drool factor!)  And for others who have not checked the Crystalfontz site in a few weeks, check out their new PLED backlit modules, they look like a VFD display for a lot less cost. http://www.crystalfontz.com/products/index-pled.html These actually throw light like a VFD!

In my travels I have found that EL backlights are more of a pain to work with, they fade in brightness over time (unless a proper EL driver is used) and are more subject to problems with temperature.  Your mileage may vary though.  8)

Have fun!


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The ones I have seen on ebay(so far) do not have any info and the sellers seem to have a problem getting back to me on the datasheet/pinout info(so no luck there).A 2x20 backlit display for around $10 is what i'm looking for.

Pilo:You say them B.G. ones are good?So they don't suck up too much power(using C64 power supply),and the backlight works with the -5v psu you spoke of(is this the same as an EL inverter?)?If so,could you tell me how much those parts cost and give me a link(or something) to how to make one,and how to wire it in to the project? I am very new to electronics.Thanx for your opinions!

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I would recommend you stay away from the EL ones too. Especially if this is your first project. I have bought a lot of displays on EBAY and haven't had any problems yet. An easy way to find some is to search for HD44780. If the seller doesn't have the datasheet, you can almost always find them on the net. It might take a bit of work, but I have found them on all the displays I have purchased (provided the seller lists the ID on the LCD i.e. Sharp LM40X21B).  I think that a 2x40 is overkill for a SID. I think that you would have to modify thorsten's code to display more than 5 items on it. By the way, I have three extra 2x16 backlit HD44780 lcd's laying around that I'll sell for cheap if anyone is interested.


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just btw: I found the shop I was talking about. Heres the direct link to their LCDs: http://shop.tronico.net/deutsch/pi1055015469.htm?categoryId=3

But I was shocked: They went up with the prices a good step! 17 Euros for one Display. Way to much if you look at Ebay and so on... *sigh* they once were good...

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