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preparing my SID for MIOS


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1. Burn Bootstrap Loader with the JDM (directly)

2. Upload actual MIOS with MIDIOX (MIDI)

3a. Change the files of your application so they fit to your needs (its always well documented within the file main.asm - no prob)

3b. Upload application with MIDIOX

IF you only use 18Fs (also for the slaves) you will need to change the IDs for every single PIC. *Also* you will have to make different versions of MIOS fitting to those IDs to upload it to the PICs (everything documented).

If you use 16Fs as slaves you're out fine.


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thanks for help...

at a first sight, MIOS seems very complicated, but i'm sure that, when you understand it, it's very simple...

i have only a simple SID module, without any control surface or rotary encorder or LCD (i will only control it with my old midibox 16), do i need to modify something in the code? i just read some lines, and there are a lot of flags for enabling lcd, encoders, mod materix, etc... should i disable them all?? i havo nothing more that the sid module connected to my core.

i also have understood that the code provided is for sid 8580 (with improved filter), right? i actually have sid 8580, so i don't need to change anything, i suppose!

anyway, this weekend i will try it!! :-)

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