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DIN R5 issues


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I've built 2 of the DIN R5's and setup buttons and an encoder for the first couple of registers on the board and uploaded the .hex with default .asm which I made sure matches the few bits I'm trying to get to work. The few parts that are on the boards are definitely all situated in the correct spots. Neither DIN works. I multimetered all the wires and the signals are actually going through. I also found by bumping the core connections with the multimeter I can navigate MIOS very haphazardly, but not with the buttons or an encoder or anything. The DIN is connected to J9 as it should. Does the entire control surface need to be built for the basic buttons to work or are my electronics just giving me the cold shoulder?

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To make assumptions what's wrong with your setup, we could use some more info.

Also, a picture of your DINs could help us find the error.

Did you try several encoders/buttons? Maybe you just had faulty ones.

Usually it's okay to connect only a few buttons for testing, so that's not causing your trouble.

Which functions should be controlled by the SR-pins you connected?

Did you check the buttons/encoders with you multimeter?

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Hi Napalmtree,

One quick thing to check:

If using a SIL/single row connection @J1 make sure you are on the row of pins with SI (closest to the edge), not the inner row with SO (that is a passthrough for mixed DIN/DOUT chains on the same cable).

Best regards


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