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Jay's MB-6582 build diary (lots of pics)


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Well, my order from SmashTV is in progress so I figured I'd start a build thread. This will probably be dormant for periods of time while I'm waiting on parts or moving myself overseas (WTF?), but updates will go here as I make 'em. Expect lots of pics, lots of snark, and some genuine grade 'A' hack-jobbery.

Here is genesis. A dismantled, dilapidated early 64 that a friend of mine left in my parents' barn kicked the whole thing off. In its yellowed glory:


Opened it up, and...


Crap! The SID is soldered in.

The case isn't in that great shape either, but I pressure washed it and it will do nicely. (My boards from Smash TV haven't arrived yet, so I'm still not 100% sure how to make them fit in a breadbox case. There will be a lot of modification involved so I'm not overly worried about the original standoffs and mounting holes being intact.)



The 6581 had to be removed... didn't like my practice results with solder wick, so out came the blowtorch. Thanks Sparx for the tip!




I did some practice chips with the blowtorch too before I went at the precious SID. The first ones came out too hot to even handle but by the time I got to the business I was a PRO! Also, my handy homemade chip puller (bent & cut out of the metal cover shield of the video module) acted nicely as a heatsink too.

I think this motherboard has seen its sunset days. I harvested some other easy hardware but it'll be off to the recycler soon.

So I posted an advert on a local site, "Buying dead C64s & C128s!", not really expecting much of it. A guy got back to me and sent me this pic:


A 64-c? Yes please! I made him an offer (cheap!), which he accepted, and I drove half an hour or so to collect. When I got there, well, he had a little more stuff than he'd sent the pic of...



Actually, a lot more. I was only expecting to get the computers but instead I got them, joystics, monitors, a ton of software, and some rather interesting accessories too. The 64-c is complete and in perfect working order. Crap! I can't part it out now!


(^^ This game is really messed up! How did I not clue in to that as a kid?)

Oh well, I guess I'll be keeping that intact for the time being. As for the other one, though:




Socketed SID! No blowtorch required. :D

The breadbox case is in better condition than my first one, but I like the authentic yellowed plastic. We'll see.






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That working c64 and burger time loaded bring back some memories!

A long time ago, my sister moved out and took the commodore w/ her. She recently asked if I wanted it back. I said yes, and she brought in the monitor and disk drive and said, we threw the keyboard away... Figured you didn't need that.


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  • 3 months later...

I will follow this topic with huge interest, because the last days I've been spending a lot of time on this site doing research. I have two Commodore 64s here at home (both 64C) and a dream would be to build my own MD6582 someday.

So please keep us updated with detailed updates, pics and stories.


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