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MBFM audio out


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I've finished a MBFM.

All working great but when i assign OP12 and OP34 on audio1 there is no sound!

When i assign op12 and op34 on audio2 there is sound on audio1 and audio3!!!!!

op12 and op34 on audio3 is routing on audio2.

op12 and op34 on audio4 is routing on audio4.

Is it normal? any idea? i've missed something?

i think i have a bad yac or a chortcut somewhere!!

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Thanks GURU!

My audio jack are ok (j4=audio1 J5=audio2 J6=audio3 J7=audio4)

I've got two YACs and i use the defaut .hex (V1)

You talk about stereo but i was planning to use in a mono way (separate outs ,2 independent synth jacks, one BDjack and one HH/snare jack)

on OP12 and op34 menu

if i assign only on 1 there's no sound on the four audio outs!

if i assign only on 2 there's sound on audio1 and audio3 , no sound to others

if i assign only on 3 there's sound on audio2 , no sound to others

if i assign only on 4 there's sound on audio4 , no sound to others

the audio 4 working great but others have no logical!

I've change the PIC (between 452 and 4685), test interconnection betwen core and opl modules,exchange all TL074 and look a the solder of YACs and OPL...... I've fried my brain!!!!! :geek:

but MBFM sound greats! I'm very pleased with the quality of audio engine. all the rest working great!

i love it :heart:

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Hi Janis,


Yes i think to..... but i check and recheck and recheck......reload solder on SMD... mmhh :frantics:

I conduct the investigation!!!!

I see on the .ASM that for pic4685 with CAN bus other RB pins are adressed on core module....

there's not many information about this subject!!!!

For pic4685 do i need the change for interconnection modules?



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Hi Nicolas,

if you've enabled the ENABLE_MBNET flag, this could be the reason.

In this case, RB3 is available at RE2, and RB2 at RE1 of the PIC18F4685

Could you please check your setup file? (resp. which one did you use for upload?)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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after all checks...

never find the problem :(


there's three way happens to me:


2 use like this : no separate outs , i can use only one jack!

3 change the YAC : find them on ebay ,desolder and solder


is someone have ever tested this config?:

instrument 1 to audio jack 1

instrument 2 to audio jack 2

instrument 3 to audio jack 3

instrument 4 to audio jack 4

is that it works?



Best Regards

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Hi Marxon

no sound with testtone....

interconnection test procedure results:


5V RS: RS DO D1 D2 D3 other pins 0V

5V A0: A0 DO D1 D2 D3 other pins 0V

5V A1: A1 DO D1 D2 D3 other pins 0V

5V WR: WR DO D1 D2 D3 other pins 0V

5V D0: DO D1 D2 D3 other pins 0V

5V D1: DO D1 D2 D3 other pins 0V


5V D2:  DO D1 D2 D3 other pins 0V

5V D3:  DO D1 D2 D3 other pins 0V

5V D4: D4 DO D1 D2 D3 other pins 0V

5V D5: D5 DO D1 D2 D3 other pins 0V

5V D6: D6 DO D1 D2 D3 other pins 0V

5V D7: D7 DO D1 D2 D3 other pins 0V


test have done with and without LCD: same result.... D0 D1 D2 D3 always on 5V


Sorry i must have started from theses apps :rolleyes:

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Please check again every connection between Core-Opl modules.

->PIC pins to the corresponding to YMF pins

Also cross check every pin next to each other to be sure there is now short circuit.

How do your power your FM synth?

I had similar problems because of a faulty PSU.

Best regards


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Thanks Marxon

I powering opl3 with an exotic design bipolar PSU!!!:



I use this design in several projects and never had problems, I will test with a regular design one...


Best Regards

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Without the bipolar power i've got the same interconnection bad voltages results..... ( 4.80V with pic18f4685)

I've got 5cm cable between core and opl3

no shortcut at the ohm meter and integrity interconnection is OK

i take the cutter again and cut everywhere i could....opl and core

 try with different pic.

when i use a pic18f452 i've got an error at the end of the transfer reported when sending mbfm hex with mios studio (error #4)

but interconnection voltage are good..... :nuke:


 gonna change the YMF262 (i have no spare and really don't like desolder SMD)


i try with another  transformer for the 5V : the same

(i'm using 8V 500mA for mbfm full options without CV)


thinking i had bad YMF or something like that....

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