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Setting up Xcode


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Hi all,

I've been following the tutorial here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=how_to_use_xcode2_as_ide_on_a_mac to set up Xcode 3.

I got as far as creating a new project and then I got lost. I've downloaded mios_base_v1_1 from the downloads section on ucApps and found the SDCC skeleton files within it under 'apps'. Am I supposed to drag these files into the new project in Xcode? Also, the tutorial mentions the MAKEFILE.SPEC but I could not find this within mios_base_v1_1


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Thanks for the advice. I've made some progress, managed to get up to the application building stage now.

I get this error when trying to build: "sh: /mios-gpasm: No such file or directory"

I've checked that sdcc and gpasm are up and running by typing "sdcc -v" etc. in Terminal. My sdcc is version is 2.6, and gpasm is 0.13.4

I've also checked the usr/local/bin folder to check gpasm and sdcc are in there, which they are

Any advice would be appreciated

I'm running Xcode 3 by the way

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Do you have the mios toolchain installed? http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=macos_mios32_toolchain_core

I don t think sdcc is still needed with newer macs. The tool chain uses the compiler gcc. I got the same type of errors when my environment settings were not correct. Do you compile and build within Xcode? Then you must add " export PATH= /path to mios_toolchain/bin:$PATH " to your run script.

Hope this helps, otherwise post or pm me.

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