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convert sysex to xml


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Dear programmers

I discovered some months ago this now amazing AU plug in mimicing the Roland Juno 60 :


I do not have a Juno 60, but a 106, and i tried some patch on both Juno and the plug in, and the result is amazing ! it does well the job !

moreover i A/B tested the chorus versus a real Juno hardware chorus, and it sounds exactly the same !

But back to my question :

i would like to convert my Juno 106 sysex patch into xml files used by the plug.

How can i do ?

the juno uses 24 bytes sysex message and the structure of the plug setting is the following :

TAL Preset:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<tal curprogram="55" version="1">


   <map param="14" controllernumber="1"/>



   <program programname="Startup" category="Lead" dcolfovalue="0"


            dcopwmmode="1" dcopulseenabled="0" dcosawenabled="0"


            dcosuboscvolume="1" dconoisevolume="0" hpfvalue="0"


            filterresonance="1" filterenvelopemode="1" filterenvelopevalue="0"

            filtermodulationvalue="0" filterkeyboardvalue="1"


            masterfinetune="0.5" octavetranspose="0.5" vcamode="0"


            adsrdecay="0.568000019" adsrsustain="0" adsrrelease="0.444000036"

            lforate="0.604000032" lfodelaytime="0" lfotriggermode="1"


            chorus1enable="0" chorus2enable="0" controlvelocityvolume="0"

            controlvelocityenvelope="0" controlbenderfilter="0"


            portamentointensity="0" portamentomode="0" arpenabled="0"


            arpmode="0" arprange="0" arprate="0" voicehold="0"


            midiclocksync="0" hostsync="0" maxpoly="0.454545468"





the idea is to read the sysex and replace each number in " " by one byte and save the result as a file with an extension.

i can code stuff for MIOS but i am rather newbie on computer. I must work on Mac.

Edited by julienvoirin
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Did you already try to contact the developer of this software?

You need to know how the values are scaled in this XML file in relation to a Juno106

I guess that writing a conversion script would also be interesting for him...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten :)

thanks a lot for your answer.

to contact the developer

Yes i contacted him and he gave me the xml structure presented in the first post.

I guess that writing a conversion script would also be interesting for him/quote]I guess too

you know what, I have been thinking to the old perl script LOL (hex2syx).

after some research and some lessons on the xml, i think that i only need a script capable of parsing data (the hex in Sysex) and place them into some frames in a text file, isn't ?

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Yes... and you don't need a (complicated) library to generate XML, just output the text into a file.


my $outfile = "myfile.xml";
my $dcolfovalue = 10;
my $dcopwmvalue = 20;

open(OUT, ">${outfile}") || die "ERROR: cannot create ${outfile}!\n";

print OUT <<HERE;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tal curprogram="55" version="1">
<map param="14" controllernumber="1"/>
<program programname="Startup" category="Lead" dcolfovalue="${dcolfovalue}" dcopwmvalue="${dcopwmvalue}"




replace the "..." by the additional parameters (I think that you got the point)

And use variables instead of static numbers - the variable values have to be derived from the SysEx... somehow.

And see http://www.perl.org for free books about perl which will help you to learn this (simple but powerful) programming language.

Especially the "perl cookbook" gives a lot of code snippets for many purposes.

Alternatively use the docs which are already installed on your computer (type "perldoc") - I learned perl based on these manuals.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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