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character spacing on 2x40s (LC mode)


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Can the spacing between each channel ie:

Audio 1 | Audio 2 | ... etc, be enlarged so there's more room between them...?

Looking at this pic of Axel's LC (http://www.8ung.at/ucapps/midibox_gallery/axel15.jpg) it seems he has done just this - 2 (or even 3?) character spaces between each chan instead of the default one...

Edit: Found the settings:

;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;  Page0: 
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ;; print status digits at position 38/2
      SET_CLCD_STATUS 1, 38, 2
      ;; print "SMPTE/BEATS" at position: 28/2
      SET_CLCD_SMPTE_BEATS 0, 0, 0

      ;; print MTC digits at position 27/3
      SET_CLCD_MTC 0, 0, 0

      ;; print host messages at position 12/0, (0=normal spacing)
      SET_CLCD_HOST_MSG 1, 12, 0, 0

      ;; don't print meters
      SET_CLCD_METER 0, 0, 0, 0

      ;; print rec/solo/mute status at 0/0
      SET_CLCD_RSM_MSG 1, 0, 0

      ;; print select status at 0/1
      SET_CLCD_SEL_MSG 1, 0, 1

in the clcd.ini file. So, i've got rid of the SMTPE/MTC bit on the right, but i'm unsure from the settings above what effects the spacing between channels...

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If you change the last parameter from 0 to 1, then the spacing between channels is larger.

;; print host messages at position 12/0, (0=normal spacing)

SET_CLCD_HOST_MSG 1, 12, 0, 0 <--- to 1

After setting this you can also customize the spacing to your own liking by changing the parameters in "lc_hlp.inc".



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Hi Dan,

as Frank said, you do this in lc_hlp.inc under LC_HLP_MsgCursorPos. You can position your messages just by counting the characters and spaces (retlw 0x00 + x for the first LCD, retlw 0x80 + x for the second, x goes from 0 to 39). By default lc_hlp.inc gives the arrangement of my controller (two 40x2 displays).  

It´s also possible to shorten the messages, i.e. to have 8 channels on a 40x2 LCD with 4 characters per channel plus a space between each. To do this you have to push the not-to-be-displayed characters to a non physically existent position (i.e. retlw 0x00 + 40).

I´m just saying this because after working for half a year with my 16 channel controller, i noticed that it is quite confusing always having to shift the faders in a big arrangement. Now i´m planning to build 32-channel controller which would be too large (and expensive) if i´d take 2 LCDs per 8 channels.

The most obvious drawback of only using 4 characters per channel is that you possibly cannot differentiate between some parameters of FX and softsynths. On the other hand i have noticed that i make very rare use of editing synths and complex FX with the controller because it´s no fun to scroll through 100+ parameters to find the one to be edited.

BTW, Logic 6 users don´t have this problem anymore: in 6 it´s possible to add some parameters as automation tracks to the arrange; this parameters are then shown on the LCD in a special track view.

Sorry for spreading the topic...  ;)



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Hi Dan,

If you can code for the third LCD by yourself, yes its possible. I have made a remote transport controller consisting of a core, a 16x2 LCD, and transport buttons with LC/MC firmware. I've hacked the code so that the display only shows SMPTE/BEATS. If you wanna take a look at this hacked firmware let me know.



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