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More Lcd and OLED display


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Hello !


I would to build a SCS controller for the lr8e pcb, and i'm searching a great display to fit with it.

I want something like my Optrex, with black font and colred characters. I searched the forum, and don,t know what will work.


20x2 Newheaven display OLED ? link Iknow that hawkeyes used them in 16x2 version and it worked on his microQ


20x2 Microtips display : link or link


there is also these : link but they are really expensive


Here is someone who test or know which ones works ?


Thanks a lot. Bye


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I have the Newheaven one and tested it already. You can see it here: link

But i think without any reprograming the SCS is made for a 2x20 Display.


I ordered that 2x20 type OLED from Newheaven last week and it should arrive tomorrow or so.

As soon i have it working i will make you a Photo of it.

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or if you want i can send you one piece of the PCB that has the Display wire crossed over...

You wold have to cross each second wire for the right connection... I don't want to earn anything on those...

if you send me a PM with your address i can get information about the postal cost and send it for that price...

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