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6 notes per chord in a future update ?


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No problem, you already have 14 parameter layers in SEQ V4.


Cool. When has this changed ?


I thought that in older Versions the possible amount of notes were only 4 per chord.


Can i add my own chords to the predefined list  with a bit of hacking ?

Edited by moroe
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No, customized chords are not supported.


You've to initialize the track for 16 parameter layers (-> EVENT page). Then most layers are already assigned to Notes.

The most simple way to enter the chords is in Step Recording Mode (enable the Poly option!)


Alternatively play two chords from a single track, one with a high, another with a low octave. This can be configured in the EVENT page as well.

Most comfortable editing: change to the Layer View (-> SELECT + Layer View in the EDIT page)


Another alternative option: just use a drum track to trigger predefined notes - it's even possible to transpose a drum track! :-)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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How do the 32 predefined chords get in the SeqV4 ?


Are they coded in the OS ?


Maybe i could write my own chords in the OS ?


A option to record own chords and save them would be fine for the future.

Or a txt file where i can load the chords in some format into SEQV4.


Just a few thoughts



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Chords are defined in this table: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fsequencers%2Fmidibox_seq_v4%2Fcore%2Fseq_chord.c


Since there are already many options to realize enhanced chords on a much more powerful way (as mentioned above), I'm not planning to provide a customizable table.

Please try out my proposals first before requesting a feature which is redundant, leads to unnecessary programming effort at my side and overcomplicates the firmware.


Currently you are able to play multiple chords in different octaves from a single track. Alternatively you can record customized chords... what else is really required...?


Best Regards, Thorsten,

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  • 1 year later...

No problem, you already have 14 parameter layers in SEQ V4.


My feeling said it must be possible to play more notes than 4 at a time in one part. Cool I will try this with my new SEQV4. We finished building up three Seqs with friends help. It is a great machine with amazing functions.


Sorry for blabla in this topic, but I don´t know where else to place it.

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