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GM5 Chip Interest Page: possible bulk order if we get 250


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Hello I created a GM5 Interest page in the midibox wiki after a little discussion in the flea market I know this is not a bulk order but the hope is to bring buyers and sellers together. With a hope someone with more bulk order experience can take over.<br />

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Mods please move this thread or wikipage to its proper place if you see its necessary . Thank you.<br />

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<a href='http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=siliconheaven'>http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=siliconheaven</a>

Edit: please read below. If we can get to 250, nILS may or may not put in the order for those who want it. Read below. I should of edited this before.

You know these GM5 chips are harder to get than SID's. So please pass the word.

Edited by SiliconHeaven
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