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SEQ V4L MiOS MIDI IO questions


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I would like to use my SEQ V4L as a kind of recording multiplexer - basically it would continue to accept input from one channel (say channel 1) even after I've selected a different channel. I think it may be doable via the router but I'm not sure. I have had some luck with adding routes, but I haven't had luck recording once I have configured another route if that makes sense. I know I'm not going to be able to have more than 2 sequences until I build a v4 :)


It would also be nice if I could have SEQ1 be on IN1 and OUT1 and SEQ2 on IN2 and OUT2, for example. That would be a different use-case, like sequencing two synths separately.


Lastly, it seems like above channel 4, my seq stops hearing input on either input. It could just be my build, but I'm not sure where to look in that case.



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I would like to use my SEQ V4L as a kind of recording multiplexer - basically it would continue to accept input from one channel (say channel 1) even after I've selected a different channel. I think it may be doable via the router but I'm not sure. I have had some luck with adding routes, but I haven't had luck recording once I have configured another route if that makes sense. I know I'm not going to be able to have more than 2 sequences until I build a v4 :smile:


I'm surprised!

I thought that any channel will be accepted, and that the MBSEQV4L UI doesn't allow to select a dedicated channel for recording.

Did you change anything manually in the configuration files on SD Card?




It would also be nice if I could have SEQ1 be on IN1 and OUT1 and SEQ2 on IN2 and OUT2, for example. That would be a different use-case, like sequencing two synths separately.


It will be very difficult to provide two different IN ports (I will probably not implement this!)

It would be possible to provide different OUT ports in a later firmware version.




Lastly, it seems like above channel 4, my seq stops hearing input on either input. It could just be my build, but I'm not sure where to look in that case.


Something is really strange with your setup...

If you are not able to find out the reason, it could make sense to try it out when no SD Card is connected to your MBSEQV4L to ensure that it boots with the default configuration.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks for the reply TK.


Doing some more digging. First, I took the SD card out. I'm using an Alpha Juno 2 to test this. When I connect it to my laptop using an EMU Midi 1x1 tab and monitor it with Midi Monitor changing the channel on the aJuno changes the channel that is being sent (as expected). If I leave the aJuno on channel 1 and change the channel on my SEQ4L, the output is the channel that the SEQ is on. YES! Now that is some serious fun! My first question above is answered - it works! (woooo!), but things still do start to get a little strange when I increase the channel on the Alpha Juno...anything up to channel 4 works as above, but channel 5-16 show nothing at all on MIDI in in MIOS Studio. I've confirmed that it's not the Alpha Juno misbehaving with the EMU tab and by doing the same thing with a Novation Zero SL MkII. I've been back over my boards and don't see any bad joins, but I'm assuming this is not the expected behavior.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry, I should have posted back to say it's working perfectly...I like it enough to start a build of a full blown SEQ V4. :D


Is there a way to get out of the remote functions once you hit C7? I can see it being useful, but I'd like to be able to get back to using the keyboard normally, maybe by hitting C7 again? I'm also not sure that the tap tempo is working there.


I could definitely use a drum sequence such as described in the wishlist, particularly if I could set something to be a drum sequence and have it no longer change scale when the scale of the other sequence changes (it seems like scale applies to both sequences which makes sense - unless it's a drum part).

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Is there a way to get out of the remote functions once you hit C7? I can see it being useful, but I'd like to be able to get back to using the keyboard normally, maybe by hitting C7 again?


The remote function should only be active as long as you are pressing the C7 key, and it should be deactivated by releasing the key.

Can you confirm this behaviour?




I'm also not sure that the tap tempo is working there.


you mean via remote function?

It should work with the latest MBSEQ V4L release (V4L.073 and higher, after it has been overworked by Martijn)




it seems like scale applies to both sequences which makes sense - unless it's a drum part).


hm... thanks for the input, this has to be considered of course...


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I just dusted off my seq v4l and update firmware to 074 and it

- doesn't get out of the Keyboard Control Mode with my Hardware Keys connected (C7 doesn't toggle)

- do get out of the Keyboard Control Mode from my PC, but to toggle it back on from the PC doesn't work


ANOTHER THING: it seems Midi Out doesn't work for my old Drum Machine, I verified pretty much everything, can it be the voltage doesn't match?



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- doesn't get out of the Keyboard Control Mode with my Hardware Keys connected (C7 doesn't toggle)

- do get out of the Keyboard Control Mode from my PC, but to toggle it back on from the PC doesn't work


I think that I found the reason: the remote function wasn't turned of when a Note On with velocity 0 was received (which is equivalent to Note Off)

This is fixed with V4L.075, please give it a try.




ANOTHER THING: it seems Midi Out doesn't work for my old Drum Machine, I verified pretty much everything, can it be the voltage doesn't match?


Oh! :-/

Yes, it could be, that your drummachine isn't 100% MIDI compliant, which means that the optocoupler at MIDI IN needs more current, or that the device expects 5V based MIDI signals.


There are several possibilities to overcome this issue.


Most simple: add a 220 Ohm resistor in parallel to R21 (for MIDI OUT1) resp. R26 (for MIDI OUT2) to increase the current.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten,


  • C7 now works! (pressed = Key-Control on, released = Key-Control off)
  • Midi Out: changed R21 to a 100Ohm resistor, didn't help, any other suggestions?
  • Midi In (1+2) receive messages only from Midi Channel 1, right?


Edited by moloxbat
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Remote access does work as described, but on occassion notes are coming through even though I'm holding C-7 down, and I'm also getting some stuck notes which I never did when I don't use remote access. I'll do some more testing when I'm in front of it and see if I can give a better description of what's going on.

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So, your device probably requires 5V signals. :-/


You could build a 74HCT541 based levelshifter.

Input signal: the 3.3V based MIDI OUT

Output: the 5V based MIDI OUT signal.


Means: if you desolder R21, the level shifter would have to be placed between the two pins:


3.3V MIDI OUT1 -> Levelshifter -> 220 Ohm Resistor -> 5V MIDI Out (goes to the MIDI socket)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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It's not really a voltage converter, but a logic chip which outputs 5V for digital-1, and accepts input voltages below 3.3V to reach this level.


Btw.: I just got the idea that there would be another possibility:

if you own a MIDI device with a MIDI Thru port, then just route the MIDI signal through this device.



MBSEQ V4L -> MIDI IN of your device (e.g. a synth)

MIDI THRU of your device (the synth...) to MIDI IN of your drum machine.


Background: a MIDI THRU port is usually buffered - and therefore would shift the voltage level as well -> no tinkering required ;-)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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