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Building a faderbox


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I've read a lot in this forum and ucapps and I'm ready to build my faderbox.

See attachement for pic.


Here is the idea:
Eight motorfaders which banks can be switched by pressing one of the "fader-mode" buttons. Each button on this controller has a led to visualize the actual status. Each motorfader has a select, mute and solo button and a led-meter too. On the left side the tracks can be switched so I can access in this case up to 24 tracks. 

Above the faders are 2x40 LCDs. Every fader has 2x4 chars, one is empty to the left, one to the right.


At the bottom there are encoders. I already made a pcb for them so led rings will be there too. Because I used SMD LEDs on the PCB, the idea is to cut the material (in this case 4mm aluminium) 2mm deep and glue a fitting piece of acryl into this hole. 

The encoder-mode can also be switched by the buttons to the right. 


I also added some transport buttons and three "misc" buttons.


Next to the encoder is a 2x20 LCD which should show the actual setting of the encoders in db / ratio / hz / whatever.


As fas as I didn't make a mistake calculating the parts, I need the following:


- 1x LPC1769 Core

- 1x MF_NG

- 2x DOUT (it's 216LEDs in total)

- 1x DIO (it's 75 buttons in total)


Now: Did I overlooked something or is everything fine and I can start, placing the orders? ;)



Would be great to hear / read from you.





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