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AINSER64 problems

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i'd like to have some help with my AINSER64 used in a MIDI128IO config :


i've mounted the unit, 'shortcuted' several unused inputs. When i plug it to the core, the yellow and red lights light on. But the green 'link' one sometimes remains lit, or unlit. that seems to indicate a problem.

In MIOS Studio, i see a bunch (i guess 64) of CCs going to 0 when i unplug the AINSER. Any idea of what i am doing wrong ?


Thank you,



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the green LED should slowly fade between on and off (PWM modulated) - periodically.

Is this what you mean with "sometimes remains lit, or unlit"?

Or do you mean that it stops fading sometimes?


And: did you already try to debug this with the ainser_jitter_mon application?

It should show you, which inputs are exactly problematic


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I've tried the jitter monitor application, it didn't show anything


Does this mean, that with this application the green LED doesn't flash anymore?


To MIDIO128: please ensure, that you are using the latest version (V3.016) - I remember that there was a problem with one of the earlier versions.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks, i'll give it a try tomorrow, since i think i am still on v3.0.12. Hopefully this could be the issue.

The link led never flashed. It's just stays on. Or it just stays off, sometimes. When i plug/unplug/replug the J19 several times, the link led is most of the time staying on, but maybe 20% of the times, it stays off.

When launching the jitter monitoring app, i've got nothing but -- everywhere. when i unplug the ribbon, i've got 4095 for min and max and 0 diff. when i plug it on, i've got 0 min, --max and 0 diff.

I'll come back here tomorrow and let you know !

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Posting this here since my email is throwing a timeout error.....


Hi Louis,

I had not seen that thread.... since the tornado my internet access here is mostly frustrating and unusable (high packet loss).

After looking at the photos only one thing jumps out at me - the Core:J19 to AIN:J2 cable looks mirrored/reversed/wrong.  

This does not make sense to me (but I have not had my coffee yet so nothing seems quite right).   I would not expect the LEDs to be lit with the connection reversed, but I have seen stranger things happen with power taking 'alternate' routes through I/O pins on other/non-midibox equipment.....

This should be very easy to check:  Pull IC1 and IC2 on the AIN, power up the Core, and check the power/ground pins at the IC1 and IC2 sockets.  It will be missing/on the wrong pins if the cable is the cause.

Let me know how it goes!

Best regards


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Help !

I tried a new cable orientation (see picture) but it behaves the same way...

By mistake i broke one of the MCP3208 pin.... you can see it on the picture as well. But i assume it should work anyway, since this pin is for CH0 (pin1), so it just broke J6, right ? Otherwise, if i find another MCP3208, i can just replace it, or does it need to be flashed ?

Last question : i didn't edit my midi128io settings regarding AINSER, i thought this might be the issue. is it supposed to work by default ? (i don't have any LCD connected so i would edit in openoffice)

This is urgent, very urgent...

Thank you very much



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I moved this thread to troubleshooting so we can get a few more eyes on the problem....


Sorry for the lack of reply to your last post, I am still having connection issues.

I just noticed in your photo that the J4/Chip Select jumper is on position 1, default MIDIO128 expects this to be on position 2. Does the link LED pulse after moving the jumper?

I tried a new cable orientation (see picture) but it behaves the same way...

Does this include the link LED or is it pulsing?

If the link LED is not pulsing this tells you that the Core is not controlling the shift register (IC2). The MIDIO128 app will cycle the link LED when it is running.
No pulsing link LED = safe to assume the board is also not cycling through inputs on the mux chips (4051s).

By mistake i broke one of the MCP3208 pin.... you can see it on the picture as well. But i assume it should work anyway, since this pin is for CH0 (pin1), so it just broke J6, right ?

No. IC1:pin1:CH0=J13, J6 is IC1:pin8:CH7
If the missing pin1 was the only problem I would also expect it to work but generate trash data for the J13 pots due to the floating pin.

Otherwise, if i find another MCP3208, i can just replace it, or does it need to be flashed ?

You can simply replace it, MCP3208 is an 'off the shelf' serial ADC with no firmware.

Last question : i didn't edit my midi128io settings regarding AINSER, i thought this might be the issue. is it supposed to work by default ? (i don't have any LCD connected so i would edit in openoffice)
This is urgent, very urgent...
Thank you very much

It should work by default.
From the AINSER64 page under "Testing":

If the green "link" LED is permanently on or off, it signals, that the application which is running on the core module doesn't access the module. The LED should slowly flash (cheap PWM modulated) with an application which supports the AINSER64 module.

So, the next step is to upload an application for testing the analog inputs. MIDIO128 is well suitable for this, as it supports two AINSER64 modules and sends CC events for each analog pin by default without further configuration! The application can be downloaded from this page. Upload it to the core module with MIOS Studio as usual.

The green "link" LED should flash now, and CC events should be visible in the MIDI IN monitor of MIOS Studio whenever a pot/fader connected to an analog input is moved.

Move that chip select jumper, let us know exactly what the LEDs are doing (even if the symptoms do not change) and we will move forward from there.

Best regards


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Hey, thank you so much for the detailed answer. 

Under the pressure of the emergency, i had to find another solution. So i made a few phone calls and found an arduino Mega, it seems to be easy to do (no midi), so i'll go this way.

But i definitely will build other midibox projects, so i'll eventually sort it out !

Again, many thanks, i really appreciate.



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Hey Louis,


It seems, that you are still using wrong cable between Core:J19 and AIN:J2. In most FPC connectors you should see a small triangle, which shows the pin No1 of the connector. You should orient the cable with red side at this triangle on both end. It doesn't matter which way goes the cable to the connector, but the red wire and triangle matching is important.


Hope this helps.

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