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SEQV4 CC Implementation


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Is the CC's data sent by SEQ under any circumstances? (or just received)


I'm referring to what's documented in  "\mios32\trunk\apps\sequencers\midibox_seq_v4\doc\mbseqv4_cc_implementation.txt" 


I was thinking about if it were possible to update a control surface with the current state.

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That's great, it's clear that parameter changes from the UI of SEQ are now sent as they are changed.


What about a "state dump" where all parameters are sent (at an appropriate time) to update an external DAW or control surface of all (or rather only those that have changed or were not previously transmitted)  controllable parameters?


The idea (what I'm considering) is an NG based control surface that has a fairly comprehensive layout of the SEQ controllable parameters. It would be important to have the state of the controls reflect the state of the SEQ. 

Edited by Duggle
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I don't really like this idea.

The data dump will stall all MIDI OUTs (because there is only a single mutex for OUTs), and quite a lot of data would have to be dumped: for all 16 tracks. ca. 2000 bytes - this would stall a common OUT port (not USB) ca. 2 seconds.


Does such a "programmer" really make sense for MBSEQ?
I fear that I would have to do a lot of enhancements in the firmware to support this properly under all conditions, therefore I'm sceptic that it's worth to start with this.

I would only do this if multiple people are interested (and I'm not interested by myself...)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Such a brute force approach of sending all data is impractical as you point out.
There may be ways of avoiding this and still getting the utility I was envisioning. 
For example:
Dumping only data for the selected track would cut the amount of data right down.
Or maybe it would be possible to request the settings when and as they are required from the control surface side.

Does such a "programmer" really make sense for MBSEQ? 

I'll find out.  :smile: 
I'll get around to playing with this feature as it is now, and if I come up with some concrete suggestions that is easy to implement without side effects then great!

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