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Force to Notestack : feature idea


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The idea is a cross between force-to-scale and an arpeggiator notestack.


Put simply, the note values of a midi stream get shifted to conform to a notestack that comes from a different midi stream. The notestack would be optionally extended by octaves up and down so that it's more like a scale that a simple notestack.


Is it possible to do this already?


The usecase I have is actually for live playing: The electronic drummer/percussionist plays tuned percussion that conforms (in terms of note value) to what I'm playing on one of my keyboards, or alternatively what comes from a local keyboard zone or sequencer track. 

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Of course rhythm and phrasing may or may not be effortless  :smile:


Anyhow, something similar appears to be in the midiForceToKey plugin from the (free) pizmidi VST collection. It can optionally source the scale info from another channel. So I plan to experiment with this feature by routing the various midi streams through a PC or mac host from the SEQ and try to find out if this is a worthwhile feature to consider including in SEQ. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

If this really makes sense, then I could probably provide it as a special MIDI router option (this would actually be a bad place, but I've no better idea where to put such an "unrelated" feature without much programming effort)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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