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SysEx and CC's in MIDI Tracks?


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I was finally getting serious about an MBSEQ again and started thumbing through the docs when I ran into a potential issue - I noticed importing .MIDI files only imports note-data and not SysEx/CC. I'm wondering if there are any suggestions on how to work around that?

SysEx would be anything from MBFM patches changes and params, to poking our drum machine and configuring effects on our effect box. Most of the time they can be run at the beginning of the song to set things up, but sometimes I change parameters in the middle of a song.

So if MBSEQ won't read those from .MID files, is there another way to easily inject that into a song?

I realize my intended use is a bit periphery to the MBSEQ's core goal. If I can make it work, though, I think it'd be better off than having to rely on a laptop. It's one less thing to lug around for one (I intend on rackmounting my MBSEQ into our mixer/rack).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I realized that last response might be wordy, so I'll try to condense it:

1. Can MBSEQ send SysEx to synths as part of a song (mostly for patch changes on MBSID and MBFM)?

2. Does MBSEQ support BPM/tempo shifts and slides in song?

Ok I ninja-added the 2nd point :smile: I think those are the two most important issues. The former I might be able to work around if MBSEQ and MBFM are happy talking CC's. To this point, neither Reaper nor Live seem to make MBFM happy when using anything but SysEx for patch and some parameter changes.

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1. Can MBSEQ send SysEx to synths as part of a song (mostly for patch changes on MBSID and MBFM)?


Currently not. It also can't import SysEx patches from a .mid file.

You could send the patch directly from SD Card, but this function doesn't work together with songs.




2. Does MBSEQ support BPM/tempo shifts and slides in song?


yes, just select the "Tempo" action; it allows to specify the BPM and a ramp time


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Currently not. It also can't import SysEx patches from a .mid file.

You could send the patch directly from SD Card, but this function doesn't work together with songs.


Doh! Well that's not necessarily a huge deal if sending CC's to MBFM makes it happy. I haven't looked at the MBSEQ code quite yet, but I assume it is possible to add this feature without too much fuss? Being implemented in C certainly makes it more feasible for me than PIC-ASM :smile:

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I thought I would close the book on this thread - turns out, the MIDIO128 seems to be more suited for what I need currently. That is not to say anything negative about MBSEQ - it's amazing for sure!

MIDIO128 is a lot cheaper to build and hit my core needs with less modification it would appear. I'm going to piece one together very soon (parts are in the mail!) and go from there. About the only thing it may need modification on is sending MIDI commands to remotely control it (as opposed to OSC, though I'll be looking at that as an option too).

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