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MIDI Router, Patch Manager, Player?


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I realized that MBSEQ, while extremely powerful, is not the best fit for me needs. What is lacking is the ability to playback MIDI files with CC and SysEx support, and route the channels to the correct MIDI output/channels.

Basically what I am looking for is a MIDI file playback device with some clock, routing, and patch management.

I've looked at some non-MidiBox solutions (rPi + midish or PD, Arduino + MIDI library + me writing my own program) but it seems like MidiBox has just about everything I need, at least on the surface.

I've looked at the PIC code, mostly for MBSID. I haven't looked at the new CORE32 platform hardly at all and was curious as to if someone might be able to point me in the right direction? Arduino would be fine, but CORE32 already had support for SD cards, I/O, MIDI, etc. The only thing lacking is the ability to use USB-based MIDI controllers (right?) but that's not a massive deal.

Any thoughts/suggestions?

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Another project you can start with might be the Midio128_V3 project at http://www.ucapps.de/midio128.html  It is a complete project where as the one you found is a very basic player.  You can find this software at this LINK. It has Midi router functions and can also record Midi Files.  Not sure about the SYSEX support.  I am using a modified version of the software for selecting voices on a synth that's connected to a Rogers 3 manual organ.  Added feature is support of a Midi Player/Recorder.       

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Oh man I had no idea MIDIO128 could playback MIDI, that's awesome! Glancing at the code, it looks like it does indeed support SysEx at some level, though I'll have to keep digging to know more.

That said, yeah this basically does everything I need!

Thanks a ton for helping me see the light, kpete!

EDIT: It does look like I may need to extend it a bit to get remote transport commands working (say from a NanoKontrol). I'm also not sure if I can play back a MIDI file while also playing live through MIDIO128? Some songs have both backing tracks as well as live playing.

Seems like adding that functionality, if it doesn't exist, should be doable. The hardware cost of building a simple MIDIO128 setup is far less than MBSEQ, so I'm gonna grab up the hardware and start playing around with it.

Edited by m00dawg
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