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Mackie Control + Extension with Midibox NG


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Hello everyone!



I have started to build a LC(with 16 Motorfaders) years ago and didn´t finish.

Now i want take it on my list again... :-) with the Mibidbox NG.



Just a few questions, which i hope you could help me out, so that my restart leads to success.


+ Can i reuse the DIN and DOUT modules from my Midibox LC builds?

+ I had bought Panasonic Motorfaders, any ideas besides a simple switch, for touch sensors (-> stop the fader for controlling)?

+ I would like to implement ledrings(with 16 leds) + encoder, anyone out there has made a pcb for it?

   (-> like the one from fairlightiii, but just 1 not 16..)



The following things i need in addition(i will get it from smashtv..):



+2 x MBHP_NG_MF Modules

(i own two 2X40 LCDs)



thanks in advance





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Welcome back! :)



+ Can i reuse the DIN and DOUT modules from my Midibox LC builds?





+ I had bought Panasonic Motorfaders, any ideas besides a simple switch, for touch sensors (-> stop the fader for controlling)?


unfortunately nobody found a solution yet.





+2 x MBHP_NG_MF Modules

(i own two 2X40 LCDs)




Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks Thorsten for the reply!



About the MF again..


Just for understanding things....


Isn't it possible to "play" around with the current drawn by them? (-> if i touch the MF it means it needs more current to drive the fader).

It results in stopping the fader.


It looks as the MF V3 tool has a quite a lot of options allready implemented, which (i think) have to take the current drawn by motorfader, into account..

I am sure that i am not the first one, thinking about that in this way ;-)


My little research lead me further to this solution...







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Hi Klaus,


I think the problem is not so much the touchsensor circuit. The MF_NG module already has 8 available touchsensors on board.


Theoratically you could hook these up to any kind of metal object.


The problem is to attach a touchsensor cable of some sort to a moving object like the fader without disturbing the fader functuality.



my regards

Edited by John E. Finster
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Isn't it possible to "play" around with the current drawn by them? (-> if i touch the MF it means it needs more current to drive the fader).

It results in stopping the fader.


It looks as the MF V3 tool has a quite a lot of options allready implemented, which (i think) have to take the current drawn by motorfader, into account..

I am sure that i am not the first one, thinking about that in this way ;-)


Something like this is already part of the firmware (motor will stop if the fader doesn't move into the intended direction, e.g. because you manually move it into another direction).


But this is actually not the only feature of a "real" touch sensor.


E.g. a touch sensor ensures, that no fader event will be sent as long as you don't touch the fader.

Accordingly, the fader can be initialized for a much higher resolution without the risk for sporadically jittering values, because values are only sent when you actually touch & move the fader.


Another purpose of a touch sensor is to activate the automation in a DAW without moving it.

There is no way to determine this with the current drawn, because at this moment the DAW won't send move commands.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the answers, i will try it out soon (hopefully).


Means i just need to connect a wire from the dedicated pins on MF_Module to the "metal fader knob"...


I allready have finished two NG_MF and the LPC17 Core.

But i am unsure about how to connect these via MIDI..


I have read that i can connect the NG_MF directly to the pc.., or i need to make the optional 3rd midi io for the LPC17 Core(and enable it seperately in the firmware).

(Don´t need the fourth here..)


Are these connections correct?







And the third MIDI IO to the core - PC connection.

(plus the settings for the motormix and linkpoints in mios studio).




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We had the same discussion here: 


Summary: you can chain the MBHP_MF_NG modules, and connect them to a single MIDI IN/OUT pair of the MBHP_CORE_LPC17.

There was an issue with the MIDIbox Link feature, which is fixed in v1.027_pre4 (link can be found in the posting as well)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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