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LPC17 IDE Works on OS X


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I wasn't sure where this might go, but I noticed on ucapps that the LPC CORE page (http://ucapps.de/mbhp_core_lpc17.html) indicates needing to use a Linux or Windows (in a VM or otherwise) to flash the bootloader onto the LPC. I just tried it using the Mac version (available here: http://www.lpcware.com/lpcxpresso/download) and it seems to work like a champ!

May be less relevant with the new core being on the horizon but thought I would share that tidbit nonetheless.

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Ah hmm, I wonder how that changes things. I picked the LPCXpresso C project instead of FreeRTOS (which the thread you linked to is correct, there is no FreeRTOS option) just to see what it would do. I don't have a working CORE board yet so I can't do any further testing right now, but after flashing it, the LED did fade in and out 3 times.

I hope to have the CORE finished in a week or so and can then see if it responds over USB/MIDI and the like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a minor update, I finished the CORE board and uploaded the MIDIO128 application to it. I am waiting on some parts before I can connect my LCD (I only had a cable for the old CORE) and get a control surface going, but the app does seem to respond to MIOS studio. Given the lack of the FreeRTOS option on the OS X version, I'm not sure if there may be some missing functionality still, but so far it seems to be working without issue.

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