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Midibox Seq V4


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Timsynthmidi,


I have a midibox sequencer v4. It has been unused for some time. It is finished, but the case is not completely finished. If you like i will take some pictures. It is finished with a frontplate from schaeffer so it lookes very good.


Best regards,


Pim from Holland.

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  • 10 months later...

what do you mean by this?

do you have extra wilba cs pcb's laying around?

I've already begun my build. besides building it is half the fun.

can i buy pcb's from you? and maybe some encoders and tactile switches if you have the good ones on hand.

why not make it public?

Edited by k-rAd MB6401
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  • 2 weeks later...

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