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program change troubles


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I'm sorry but I got some troubles with program changes and I can't find the right solution.Can't imagine that others didn't encounter this 'problem'.

When I select program change as a track parameter layer it will send a program change on every active step. Is there a way to disable a program change/step. Like now you can select program change 0,1,2,3......126,127 per step, but I would like it like this; _,0,1...126,127.

Program changes are great for selecting different patches on MBFM, but when I make a program change track parameter layer I don't have the freedom anymore to select a patch manually. I only want the patch to return to its original state every firts step of 64 steps. Of course I could use a different track for sending this program change but it would be much more obvious when it's integrated in the right track.


And when I want to select program changes in a drum track I only get fixed values per instrument, why's that?


Thanx for any help!

Edited by Elektruck
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Program Changes are not properly supported for drum tracks - this would be against the concept of the parameter layer usage in this mode...


For "normal" tracks, you have to set the same program change value for all steps (just press & hold the ALL button, and then set the desired program change value). MBSEQ will then only send the PC event once (whenever it's different from the previously sent value)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ok, for selecting different MBFM drumsets I'll use a special track. And setting the same program change for all steps does do the trick! Stupid I didn't find out myself. Sometimes I get so stuck by these things that I seem to miss the obvious solutions. 

Thanks for your reply, great christmas and a superb 2014 for you!




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  • 4 months later...

In SeqV4 you can select 'program change' as a track parameter layer, but not in drum tracks. If you don't see it in a 'note track' you can add this parameter layer by entering 'event menu' and at the right side you can choose the parameters of the parameter layer.


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