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Rotary encoders with built in button in MB64 ?


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Hello to everyone

Having read the previous postings regarding the incorporation of rotary encoders in MB64 (Not MB64E!), I decided to use some encs in my currently-being-created MB64. I have bought 20 ALPS STEC16B363 encoders with built in button and I am wondering about two things:

1) Will I be able to use a rotary encoder instead of the two menu navigation buttons and use the built in button as "select button" and if yes, how is this possible? (In MIOS the menu buttons have been reduced from 4 to 3, is that right?)

2) If I use, say, 4 encs in the place of 8 buttons, do they need to be connected to a special place (i.e. do they need to be connected to one specific DIN module, or can they be connected to any digital inputs I choose? :P

Thanks in advance


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Hi Hermes,

please don't post requests in the news section! (this isn't the first time...)

1) will be supported with one of the next releases. The menu handler is prepared for a data wheel, but I haven't changed my hardware to test this, yet.

Release date: maybe in 1-2 months.

No, the number of menu buttons haven't been reduced, you still need at least 4 buttons - please read the tutorial!

2) encoders can be connected to any digital input (up to 128 are available), the pin numbers have to be assigned in mios_tables.inc like described in http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/mios_enc_integration.txt

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I found my encs on an Ebay auction which I won (in Greece it is very difficult to get your hands on ALPS products, unless you order massive quantities). I have not yet received them, when I do I will post the specs (provided there is a specs sheet in the parcel).

In the meantime you could also try e-bay search with such keywords as "rotary encoder*", "encoder*" or "Impulsgeber" (the german term for encoder) etc. (The encoders don't necessarily have to be ALPS, they could be i.e.  panasonic or another brand)

Good luck

Dimitris :)

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