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Sync the Sid again!!


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Hi there!

Just an question..I´m using the sid firm 1.5c.

And I can´t get  sync of the arpeggiator.

I have the rate of the WT to 123 (as Thorsten write before) And the Clk in CFG menu to W_ _.

And I´m sendig the MIDI Time code from Cubase SX.

Should I go back to the SID 1.5b or...



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Working  ;D ,The problem was I got the MIOS ver.1.3..

Another question:The rate (in the WT menu) how do you know that the value should be 123 for 16th note?

If I want it to be 4th note?? Do I have to be an matematic professor or something??  ;)



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