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Boom Chuck - Live Acid Techno Feat MD & SEQV4


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A rough first track with the MIDIbox sequencer that I built and looking forward to making more tracks with this amazing sequencer... 126 BPM Acid track featuring a familiar Kraftwerk sample... Big thanks to Midilab for a ll his support to get the SEQV4 finalized and running...


Sorry notsure how to embed SoundCloud





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Cool - sounds good.  I'm in Toronto too.  Once you've had some time to find your way around the device, we should get together sometime for a SEQ jam.  I've got it pretty well figured out now, but it's a complex device - I'm sure we could show each other some useful stuff.

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Thanks for tge kind comments guys...

Borfo where in TO are you? Would be into gettibg together but I need 2-3 minths of SEQ use before hand....

StuartM - All gear is in a roadcase...

A&H Zed14 mixer

Ensoniq DP/4

Machinedrum UW sample mangler

Moog Minitaur

Doepfer Darkenergy MK I

Roland MKS-30

Acidlab Bassline

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