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adafruit touch sensors


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I'm playing with Midibox NG and would like to add some touch sensors to my next project. I'm aware that they were supported by MIDIbox64 and NOT by MIDIboxNG. After searching the net I came across this little board: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-cap1188-breakout/

I would add this to my MIDIbox NG but I'm not sure how to. It has I2C, ISP and outputs that go from 3V to GND when touched the corresponding input.

On adafruit there are some examples but they are with Arduino, i don't know how to use them.

I'll start experimenting with adding the outputs to my DIN's an see what happens, but all help/idea's are welcome!

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unfortunately you can't simply add this chip to the SRIO chain because of a dedicated protocol which has to be used.

It requires some programming knowledge to support it MIDIbox NG, I can't help you on this topic in the next weeks...


It will be easier if you would just use a PIC based MIDIO128 V2 and connect it to your MIDIbox NG via MIDI.

Especially since MIDIO128 V2 supports up to 128 touch sensors, not only 8!


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten,


Thanks for your reply. I thought it wouldn't be that easy.

I played with the board alone to see what happens, just powering it from the 5v output of my stm32f4 board. I don't see any onboard LED's blink when I touch a sensor input, so I let it rest for now.


The midio128 suggestion is a good idea, I'll try that!

Can I connect the PIC based MIDIO128 V2 midi out directly through a 220 ohms resistor to the midi in of the MIDIbox NG board/ pin PA3 of the stm32f4 board?


Last month I builded the Mayhem Machine, a video sequencer (see pictures in my gallery) running MidiboxNG together with Max/Msp. It was my first experience with Midibox NG and configuring it in Mios Studio. WOW I was really stunned by the ease of use, it works great!!!

I did read the info a lot of times before and did some little tests, but I really need to work with a practical application to get the feel with it. I'm really impressed how you lift this Midibox platform to the next level over and over again. Your work enables a nitwit like me to create really stunning stuff! THANX!!!!!

( the Max/Msp programmer I worked with was also really impressed!)




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  • 1 year later...

Hi TK,

It's been more than a year but in the meantime I tried your suggestion of using MIDIO128 for touch sensors and it worked out really great. I wanted to let you know earlier, but I also wanted to show it. It took some time to finish my idea but here's the video: https://youtu.be/_6IIwa3SZ0Q

Again your solution/suggestion was great and this whole cabinet thing wouldn't be born without your MIDIbox platform, you're my hero! Thanx!



Edited by Elektruck
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