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Configuration of toggle-switch for AINSER


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here is the situation:
I've a keyboard which has a AINSER8 inside. I soldered a jack to it for a switch. The switch works flawlessly. I configured ain_mode=switch. So it sends 127 when pressed and 0 when depressed.

What I want to achieve is, to send 127 when I press it the first time.... release it... press again and it should send 0. 


I tried various things with NGR-commands... but I didn't get it to work.


Any suggestions here?




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Hi Thorsten,


I tried this:


EVENT_AINSER   id=65     ain_mode=Switch fwd_id=BUTTON:1001

EVENT_BUTTON id=1001 button_mode=Toggle    type=cc cc=1


without success. MIOS doesn't monitor anything.

You already wrote in this thread:

that only a value is forwarded with fwd_id but it won't trigger a midi event. Maybe that's there is the problem?

Edited by FantomXR
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You are right, looking into the source code I can confirm that I even commented this behaviour ;-)


Seems that we've finally found a use case where it makes sense to think about a generic way to trigger the MIDI event during forwarding.

However, as always it will take some time until such a new feature will be available.


Until then you could just execute a .NGR section with the AINSER event in addition, and from there you can send the current button value (which toggles between min and max) with the "TRIGGER BUTTON:<button-id>" command.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey Thorsten,


I tried the following NGR:



### Leslie Switch ###
if ^section == 6
 if AINSER:67 == 127
 trigger BUTTON:17


and NGC:


EVENT_BUTTON id=17 button_mode=Toggle fwd_id=LED:17 type=cc cc=1

EVENT_AINSER id=67 ain_mode=Switch type=meta meta=runsection:6


If I now press the sustain switch, it just sends out CC 1 with value 0. But not 127.

Where is my mistake?

Edited by FantomXR
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