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Mios32 midi_package.chn == 9 reacts at MidiChannel 10 (offset of -1) -LPC17


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Tutorial 2 - Parsing Midi:

When my sequencer is sending out a note on Midichannel 10, then my synthesizer reacts @ Channel 10, but MIOS and LPC17 sys "I got it on Midichannel 9"


I just took the Tutorial below, and changed only - to display the mididata, else i dont changed things (no change in config or header files)



// $Id: app.c 1919 2014-01-08 19:13:48Z tk $
//MIOS32 Tutorial #002: Parsing MIDI
#include <mios32.h>
#include "app.h"
void APP_Init(void){MIOS32_BOARD_LED_Init(0xffffffff);}
void APP_Background(void){}
void APP_Tick(void){}
void APP_MIDI_Tick(void){}
void APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage(mios32_midi_port_t port, mios32_midi_package_t midi_package){
u8 ab = 0;
  // 1) the LED should be turned on whenever a Note On Event with velocity > 0
  // has been received
if( port == 32){
if( midi_package.chn == 9){
if( midi_package.type == NoteOn && midi_package.velocity > 0 ) {
MIOS32_BOARD_LED_Set(0x0001, 1);

  // 2) the LED should be turned off whenever a Note Off Event or a Note On
  // event with velocity == 0 has been received (the MIDI spec says, that velocity 0
  // should be handled like Note Off)
if( (midi_package.type == NoteOff) || (midi_package.type == NoteOn && midi_package.velocity == 0) ){
MIOS32_BOARD_LED_Set(0x0001, 0);

MIOS32_LCD_Clear();         // clear screen
MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0); // X,Y 
MIOS32_LCD_PrintFormattedString("%d %d %d %d",ab, port, midi_package.note, midi_package.chn);
}//End Midi CHN 11
}//End Port
}//End Hook

void APP_SRIO_ServicePrepare(void){}
void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish(void){}
void APP_DIN_NotifyToggle(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){}
void APP_ENC_NotifyChange(u32 encoder, s32 incrementer){}
void APP_AIN_NotifyChange(u32 pin, u32 pin_value){}


is there a offset to set?

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MIDI Channels are counted from 0


If you don't like this, you could use the mios32_midi_chn_t based enums (which are defined in mios32_midi.h) in your code.

They are available by default, just try it out:



if( midi_package.chn == 9){


if( midi_package.chn == Chn10){

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Search for mios32_midi_chn_t in this file

(CTRL+F, then enter this keyword into the search mask of your web browser)


Again: this file is included by default (via mios.h), you can just use the enum as shown in my example.


Btw.: you don't need to copy&paste such code into the posting, please reference it with the SVN link: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Finclude%2Fmios32%2Fmios32_midi.h


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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hmm i deletet the code... still dont found it


there is no text like " midi_package.chn"


the only CHN things are:

typedef enum {
} mios32_midi_chn_t;

typedef union {
  struct {
    u32 ALL;
  struct {
    u8 cin_cable;
    u8 evnt0;
    u8 evnt1;
    u8 evnt2;
  struct {
    u8 type:4;
    u8 cable:4;
    u8 chn:4; // mios32_midi_chn_t
    u8 event:4; // mios32_midi_event_t
    u8 value1;
    u8 value2;

  // C++ doesn't allow to redefine names in anonymous unions
  // as a simple workaround, we rename these redundant names
  struct {
    u8 cin:4;
    u8 dummy1_cable:4;
    u8 dummy1_chn:4; // mios32_midi_chn_t
    u8 dummy1_event:4; // mios32_midi_event_t
    u8 note:8;
    u8 velocity:8;
  struct {
    u8 dummy2_cin:4;
    u8 dummy2_cable:4;
    u8 dummy2_chn:4; // mios32_midi_chn_t
    u8 dummy2_event:4; // mios32_midi_event_t
    u8 cc_number:8;
    u8 value:8;
  struct {
    u8 dummy3_cin:4;
    u8 dummy3_cable:4;
    u8 dummy3_chn:4; // mios32_midi_chn_t
    u8 dummy3_event:4; // mios32_midi_event_t
    u8 program_change:8;
    u8 dummy3:8;
} mios32_midi_package_t;

forgive me i am a newbe, shoul i change CHN:4 to CHN5?

Edited by Phatline
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You shouldn't change anything in the mios32_midi.h file!

And please never start such modifications outside your own application to prevent a big disaster ;-)


The "midi_package.chn == 9" is part of your own code.

I'm surprised that you can't find it there - just search this keyword in your initial posting.

It's even part of the subject.


I proposed that you replace the 9 by Chn10 to improve the readability, nothing else.


Just try it out - it works! :smile:


Best Regards, Thorsten.


P.S.: I will avoid to give you background informations in future, they confuse you too much.

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i still thougt it will be not good to change something in mios (i understand, that a nother me with a nother laptopt and a nother Mios - in the near future - will run against walls, because the program is not working as it should )


ok got it, just write Chn10 instead of 9


@confuse: got a new vocable:

ENUM  :santa: 

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