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DOUT to CV with R-2R Ladder


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This is a resistor ladder on a Dout module that can produce Controlable Voltage that midibox sequencers can handle


;; DOUT 160k 
;; D7 ---o---/\/\/\---* 
;; 80.6k | 
;; D6 ---o---/\/\/\---* 
;; 40.2k | 
;; D5 ---o---/\/\/\---* 
;; 20.0k | 
;; D4 ---o---/\/\/\---* 
;; 10.0k | 
;; D3 ---o---/\/\/\---* 
;; 5.1k  | 
;; D2 ---o---/\/\/\---*----CV Out-----------------------------------o ( 0v <----> +5v )
;; 220 Ohm 
;; D1 ---o---/\/\/\--------o free assignable trigger 
;; 220 Ohm 
;; D0 ---o---/\/\/\--------o another free assignable trigger



What i wanna ask here is..


How can i use a shift register with a resistor ladder as that.. but with higher voltages.. i need to go from 0 to +15v

I need to use a different from 74HC595 that DOUT uses or is there another way?

I saw something similar before but i am not so sure.. maybe a TL074 can do the job like that in this image:




Regards, Tilemachos

Edited by Navicat
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Thank you for your answer!


I know about Aout_LC and is really similar to that i want!

But i need something different and i am really sorry i did not explain!


What i wanna build is a module with with up to 8 CV channels that i will use to control the velocity on a TR-808 clone...


Velocity on a TR-808 is a Trigger pulse of 1ms width with voltage from +5 and +15


Here is my idea taken from another project.. will this work?



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To get higher voltage, you need to configure the tl074 for some gain.

You do this by adding a voltage divider to the feedback loop of the op-amp.

eg. 20k between output and "-" and 10k between "-" and GND.


If you don't need those pulses at the same time, this could work.

You need to feed  A and B with address bits, though. C can stay low, since you only use 4 Outputs.

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That's what i meant.


Do you need any voltages between +5 and +15, or just those two values?

If it's just 5V and 15V, there is an easier soulution:

You could use two DOUT pins per instrument, one going directly to the trigger-in and another going to a ULN2803 or similar, so it gets amplified to 15V and then to the trigger-in.

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Thank you very much for help me understand this!!!


No i need any voltages between 0 and 15 volts with as much as high resolution i can get.. but 8-bit is ok!!

Here is an example!! Thanks for your help!


0 volts in = 0 volts out

1 volts in = 3 volts out

3 volts in = 9 volts out

3.5 volts in = 10.5 volts out

until i go up to

5 volts in = 15 volts out


That's amazing!!!


Regards Tilemachos

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This has a gain of 1.5, to get a gain of 3 2k and 1k have to be switched.

Since the op-amp will never have to put out negative voltages, you could connect its negative supply to gnd instead of -15V.

You will need a little more than +15V on the positive supply, because else the op-amp can't reach +15V on its output.

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Ok i made a schematic for an 8x CV OUT and i need verification.. The R-2R ladder values are 20k and 10k.

One more thing i wanna ask is.. Can i drive J19 on mbhp_core_stm32f4 to work as the J8/9 and connect more Dout and DIN chain?


Here is the schematic for my DOUT with DAC and op-amps to get signal up to +15V :




Regards Tilemachos

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