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connecting stm32F4 in mios how to


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You dont need to install a driver.

The driver you downloaded is the GM5 driver and in the description is also written that the STM is not supported . You can use it as alternative to the legacy ("onboard") driver for other cores.

After you connect the Core Module, wait until your operating system has found the interface,

the driver will be installed automatically.

Look in your device manager if some new hardware (usb audio device) is detected. 

If nothing happens then there is something wrong. 

Edited by Marxon
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Sorry there is no possibility.

It was discussed in past:


The STM32F401 is very limited, most major applications (such as MBNG, MBSEQ) wouldn't fit into the small flash memory.


However, before you throw it away, you could send it to me so that I can provide (and test) a MIOS32 variant for this chip for the case that somebody want's to use it for less complex applications like MIDIO128


Best Regards, Thorsten.


Where did you ordered your board?

Can you send a link?

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As said the STM is not supported but it is recommended for other cores running MIOS32 applications (including the LPC)

because it has a higher robustness of SysEx transfers and better a performance then the windows legacy driver.

The GM5 driver also gives multi client capabilities.

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