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CV / Gate clarification help


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Are you sending notes on the correct AOUT channel?


I'm on AOUT* Channel 1

Actually I don't know how to do that... I don't have a connected AOUT card so it appears as non-available (AOUT*). Does it still work for a connected DOUT?

Why isn't there a DOUT choice on its own?

Here are the voltages on J1 of my DOUT card at Midi Seq startup :

Vd : 5V

SO : 5V

SC : 4,5V

RC : 5V


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Are you measuring the correct DOUT pin? Remember that they're mirrored.. You'd need a scope or logic probe to read the SC/RC/SO data pins correctly. Can you connect to a known working Core and use the MIOS command test_DOUT pin (I don't know the correct method for this, you have to search yourself).


For DOUT without AOUT, :whistle:

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OK, so it is possible that my DOUT module cannot work on its own if a AOUT module isn't connected?...


I've got a scope but I'm not very good at using it... :-/


We agree that Gate is normally 0V and switches to 5V when triggered, right?...


I double-checked my wiring, everything is in its place. And the rest of the MB Sequencer works like a charm.


This is puzzling...

Edited by tupinamba
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The DOUT module will work independent from the AOUT module.


If you never tested the module before, it makes sense that you test it with another application.

E.g. upload MIDIO128 and play some notes

The MIDIO128 application also allows you to set DOUT pins directly from the MIOS Studio Terminal:

  set dout <pin> <0|1>:             directly sets DOUT (all or 0..255) to given level (1 or 0)


Best Regards, Thorsten.


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  • 1 year later...

OK... Now that CV is working, back to the DOUTx4...

So I still get a continuous +5v on DOUT SR1 as soon as I start the MBSeq.

I use SR1 of my DOUTx4 for Gates (and this is assigned to "3", right?)

I'm planning on using the other SRs for Clock outputs (SR2) and Trigger outputs (SR3 and SR4)

Here is my MBSEQ_HW.V4 (CV/Gate/Trigger/Sync part):

# CV and Gate/Trigger/Sync Setup

# the 8 CV gates can be assigned to a shift register (0=off, 1-32: number of shift register):
# - 1st CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D7
# - 2nd CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D6
# - 3rd CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D5
# - ...
# - 8th CV Gate available at DOUT SR output D0

# and DIN Clock Outputs can be assigned to a shift register as well (0=off, 1-32: number of shift register):
# D7..D0 will output individual clock or start/stop signals which can be configured in the CV configuration page
CLK_SR        4

# AOUT interface now selected in CV Configuration Mehttp://midibox.org/forums/topic/19438-cv-gate-clarification-help/#nu and stored in MBSEQ_CV.V4 file
# please scroll through the menu to find this page!

# additional gate triggers are available on common digital output pins of the
# DOUT shift register chain - they are assigned to AOUT channel #16 (Note C-1, C#1, D-1, ...)
# define the shift registers which should be used here (each provides 8 gates)
# Note that SRs assigned to this function cannot be used as LED outputs (exclusive function)
# Allowed values: 1-16, 0 disables the function, all other values invalid and not allowed

# if set to 1, the DOUT "gates" will send 1mS pulses
# useful for analog drums

# should J5A/B/C outputs be enabled (0: no, 1: yes, 2: yes, but in open drain mode)?
#  - the 6 first AOUT gates will be forwarded to J5A/B
#  - the remaining last 2 AOUT gates are available at J5C.A10 and J5C.A11 (LPC17: J28.WS and J28.MCLK)
#  - DIN sync clock will be forwarded to J5C:A0 (LPC17: J28.SDA)
#  - DIN sync start/stop will be forwarded to J5C:A1 (LPC17: J28.SC)
#  - if open drain mode enabled (option 2), external pull-ups have to be connected to J5 pins
#    (advantage: pin levels can be pulled to 5V)

Does it look right?

I understand how to use the CV part (AOUT note track, channels 1 to 8 for CV 1 to 8)

Is the Gate defined by the same track, and if so, as the note defines the CV amount, does the lenght of the note define if the gate is on or off?

About triggers... I read that they are deal with on channel 16... But then, one has to create a Drum track and find the right notes corresponding to the triggers?

(Yes I know, so many questions and it is getting late...) 

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OK... My wiring was wrong (I was connecting the SI of Wilba's CS to SO of the DOUT, instead of taking the SO pin line from J2.

Now voltages seem normal. And I've got 0V on the Gates.

This is better... but nothing changes on Gate 1 when I start an initialized AOUT channel 1 track...

I'll do some more testing tomorrow (busy day coming).


Edited by tupinamba
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Do you have a PIC or LPC/STM32F4 Core? You should test your DOUT module, but the MIDIO128 app isn't compiled for STM32F1.

Also, you're using an old rev of DOUTX4, so again check your wiring. It's possible to kill CMOS chips, for instance with reversed power connection, so you can swap in a spare.


The correct signal to send to DOUTs is SO, located on the top of the header relative to the polarising notch. Understand too that the connector on Wilba's board is mirrored.


I just tested my F1 Core with DOUT, it works fine but only if you've initialised with



Copy a new MBSEQ_HW.V4 file to your SD card (comes with the latest firmware) to be sure.

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Hi everyone!

Problem solved....

Sometimes, it is as simple as a bad solder joint on a DOUT module... :blush:

I built a second module (I had spare parts) and it worked straight away. But then, my core stopped working. No led light on the core. Panic attack.

I checked voltages : nothing coming out of the power section (which is a good news : the core did not blow)

I checked solder joints on the core and found that the diode bridge's negative pin was not connected to ground anymore. I soldered it back properly, and everything was back to normal. That's when I thought that maybe something similar was happening to the DOUT module...



Now I have a MB Seq with CV, Gate and Triggers. I'm a happy man. I just have to drill a few holes in the back panel for the numerous jack outs I'm going to add now... ;-)


Thank you so much latigid on, and of course TK, you've been of a great help, and as always, this story ends with me understanding a little bit better how all of this works!

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