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Program change for Elektron boxes


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I am new to Midibox (just ordered parts for a Midibox SEQ) and wonder if it is possible to send program changes a few ticks ahead of time. 

I want to use program changes to change patterns on Elektron boxes (Octatrack and Monomachine). Unfortunately they do not change patterns immediately, but wait (depeding on settings) e.g. until the next bar after the PC event. Ideally I would like to select Elektron patterns by setting PCs at the first step of each pattern, but that would require that they are sent a few ticks ahead of time, so that pattern changes occur at the beginning of the new pattern (and not one bar later). So far I have found no hardware sequencer (except Elektrons) that sends PCs ahead of time.
Is that possible with the Midibox SEQ? I have found nothing in the manual and the forums, but might have missed something. I also would not mind adjusting code, if MIDI scheduling allows to send events ahead of time.
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But I need to send PCs a few ticks in advance (ie before pattern start) to change OT patterns at the first step of the next pattern. Otherwise patern changes will be delayed e.g. by a bar (depending on OT setings). Programming PCs at the pattern end is not a real solution, because after a single repetition loops will be out of sync again.

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Check in the documentation for Mixer Map...


When I first started using the SEQV4 I was using that page to perform program changes and it would allow you on a per step basis to enter the PC... This may work for you... Now all I do is enter it under Track Event Config... Sorry i don't have a definitive answer fro you...



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