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Cascading Motofader NG module


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I'm interested to create controller with 24 motorfaders.


8 motorfaders in MF NG module.

I've seen in MF NG Module page it's possible to cascading "to chain multiple module" but how ?


With midi socket ?


How is recognised the installation ?




Thanks !!




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Yes, MF_NG can be connected to a chain of 4 Modules. It workes by connecting the midi out port to the in port of the second module and so on. But befor you will have to connect it with your Computer and set the Modul 1-3 to the Link through mode with Mios Studio MF Tool. The last Module you will have to set as End Point Module.

Also the Protocol has to be set Right. Take a read in the Manual of http://ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual.html

Best Regards


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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for informations,

In the meantime, I've ever read this about linking core modules (possibility of Midi loop error).

I'm surprised so see an option for touchsensor, in the forum I've seen it was not implemented .

Can you confirm me touchsensors work fine with MF NG Module ?


Best Regards



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