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Confirmation - want to sell my Midibox SID(s)


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Hi TK,


I have previously had permission (some years ago) to sell my midiboxes that I was no longer using. I had not done so yet, but was looking to do so now. What I wish to sell is:


1 x Midibox SID v2 (8x6582)

1 x Midibox Delay

1 x Midibox SID v1 (4x 8580) *dead* for parts only


Before I went ahead to sell them I thought I'd check in again with you as I could not find the email or message with your permission.


I still have my Midibox Sequencer (which used to be in the gallery, but no longer is). I'm never selling that one!





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Yes, everybody may sell up to 10 pieces of assembled MIDIbox hardware per year - this limit is to avoid commercial exploitation.

It is a great move, because if someone wants to solder (and more importantly, stays active to support his/her work), he/she can just do it without any hassles.


See Fleamarket forum section header:

Here you can offer your spare parts or complete MIDIboxes to the community.
Please note that it is allowed to sell up to 10 MIDIboxes per year without special permission from the license owners (see also the TAPR license). 


Many greets,


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You didn't mention that your intention was to sell the stuff not on the MIDIbox forum but via *bay. We usually encourage direct sales via the forum, as people here tend to have a rough understanding of the DIY idea and the kind of support they can expect should a box go bad. If that sale offering is not fruitful here then sellers can move on to try it on *bay. Advertising a *bay listing in the forum is considered bad style by some.

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This part seems a bit off to me:



Please understand, if you purchase this unit it is a hand built one off creation. It has been highly reliable for me and never skipped a beat. It is fully functional, however if it ever needs servicing you will need to rely on the Midibox community and your own investigations to find out more information. 



This is the main gripe with selling to potential newbies: by writing this you're passing the buck onto the people who remain active in this forum. It would be better for you to say something like "if you ever have problems, please contact me and I'll do what I can to help. Failing this there's a dedicated community at midibox.org, but you should have experience with DIY electronics or be prepared to take the initiative and learn." 

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Fully agreed - it would have been really nice to try to sell it in the Fleamarket section first and to offer a bit of assistance, if something goes bad...

Ebay buyers may have different expectations than forum members and will likely come back here and ask for assistance at a later point in time...

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