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http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_aout_lc.pdf >> This Circuit is made for a Bipolar-PowerSupply

but how looks a unipolar powered Version?


the comes out that a simple bc337 can do the job (idea from the core backlight shematic ;-)  )

see this:

one problem that i have to solve is the logaritmic... a linear scale with all the same 10k resistors in a network, dont sound very accourate... 


How to handle the unused side of the OP-AMP?

Whats about the Offset-section? > No -15V there... so clamp to ground?

Is there something else to change.


how to make a logaritmic variant?


i have built the circuit above on vectorboard, and it act a bit strange when switching between DOUT-Pin 0 and 1 -pin 0 make louder sound then 1 >>> Pin 2-7 acting normal (Volume gets higher)
0>1 (wrong)
1<2 (right)
2<3 (right)
3<4 (right)
4<5 (right)


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thx...by the next order i have some MCP6002!.....


whats about the unused Side of the TL72?


in the 606 i dont need -15V in there... but i thought of a MS20 filter on the master times bevore ,...and then i would need it again.... but no 7915 @ home... arghlxwahh  ...

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First option is to buy the single version (MCP6001). Next best is to wire the inverting input and output together with the non-inverting connected to a potential between the power rails (e.g. make a 1:1 divider with two resistors).




Btw, it looks like you're trying to power your circuit through I2+?

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