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CV setup help


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I have all the necessary parts installed to use SeqV4 for CV, gates and triggers via the Line Drivers. I think this line:

First edit the config file on the SD Card to use the AOUT_NG (i.e. #define AOUT_INTERFACE_TYPE 3) and save it !

from the Aout_NG configuration instructions has been replaced by a menu configuration as noted in the config file:

# AOUT interface now selected in CV Configuration Menu and stored in MBSEQ_CV.V4 file
# please scroll through the menu to find this page!

Can someone confirm this?

The problem is, I can't find this Menu item, where is it located?



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My initial problem was being unable to access the CV configuration menu, menu pages are just something I can't find information on how to access all. So I made a shortcut to CVCFG in the mbseq_hw.v4 file, replacing SYSEX for now,

I have a green light on in the Aout_NG module, after doing the setup for Aout_NG.

My new problem in CV configuration is obtaining 5v for note C3, I can only adjust to a low of 8.4v. I'm using +/- 15v. power supply, that should be OK, so now I'm searching for the problem.

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Thanks TK.

Now for my main problem, no CV and CV gates on Doutx4. Should the file "MBSEQ_CV.V4 file" be on my SD card if I have made the configurations properly, because I don't see it there.

I have set the CV module to Aout_NG, set the OUT in Menu/Event to Aout and set the CV_GATE_SR1   to 3 in the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file. I think this is all the setup I need.

Also should J5A/B/C be enabled it is in my config by default

# CV and Gate/Trigger/Sync Setup
# AOUT interface now selected in CV Configuration Menu and stored in MBSEQ_CV.V4 file
# please scroll through the menu to find this page!
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This is a typo, the AOUT interface should be in MBSEQ_GC.V4 (and not MBSEQ_CV.V4) file. However, you don't edit this file directly, instead this file just stores the values that you changed in the CV configuration page.

Gates are configured in MBSEQ_HW.V4

You've to ensure that the 3rd SR isn't assigned to any other function which could overlay the gate.

Typical errors if the CV interface isn't working:

  • no proper connection via J19, e.g. swapped signal lines
  • too long cable between core and AOUT(_NG) module (max. 20 cm)
  • soldering errors
  • wrong track configuration (-> see http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_m.html search for AOUT port)
  • wrong CV configuration


Most simple way to check the communication between core and AOUT_NG:
Enter the CV configuration page, select the right module (AOUT_NG), set Calibr.(ation) value to 1V, 2V, 4V, 8V
You should notice that the selected CV output should change it's voltage.
If this works, you know that the MIDI track configuration doesn't select the right AOUT port and channel.

Most simple way to check if gates are working:
Set "J5_ENABLED 1" in the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file, and connect a LED via 220 Ohm resistor between Vs (GND) and J5A.A0 to check if the gate is working with this pin.
If yes, do the same with the SR that you selected with CV_GATE_SR1
Note that the first gate is located at D7 (not D0) output pin!
If this test isn't working, then your MIDI track configuration doesn't select the right AOUT port and channel.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks for the quick reply TK.

Fixed the CV gates problem, noob error, I was checking D0 for Ch1 gate when in fact it appears on D7 of J3 on the Dout module, so this verifies the Line Drivers are working OK.

Now moving to Aout_NG trouble shooting.

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It looks to me like there is no activity on J19 from the core board. On pins 9 + 15 of IC1 on the line driver transmitter board I have clock type activity on the scope, on the same pins on IC 2 (associated with J19) I have nothing. I've checked the solder connections on the core board so now I'm looking for a 74HCT541 to swap into IC1 on the core board.

I think I'm on the right track here.


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Easiest way to do it quick. Here the black wire is pin 1, brown is pin 5 6 but the right-most. This cable is 1:1 on the Core, probably simplest to wire the line driver straight and yoga after. The top row relative to the guide nub contains the serial output (SO) and so should connect to the AOUT data header.

Edited by latigid on
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Can anyone help with the wiring from core J19 to J1 on the Aout_NG PCB? Does it wire up to the S0  row or the S1 row of J19?

I'd like to try that first before I wire J1 to the receiver module. I have a new IC1 in place on the core, I'm going to see if I can get J19 on the core talking to the Aout_NG module this a weekend.

Thanks for the graphic Langid on


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Hi George, 

You want to wire SO (serial output) from the Core to SI (serial input) on the AOUT_NG.

The top row of J19 is:



0V, 5V, serial out, serial clock, chip select 1.


J1 on AOUT_NG is:



0V, 5V, chip select, serial input, serial clock.


You can see how the chip select jumps into the middle and pushes SI and SC over. So wiring up an IDC like I showed is one way around this mismatch. You could still use this cable with the line driver board ignoring the JAOUT header.

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So this is what I learned from Latigid On's post and how I wired it. I confirmed it with the wiring in tutorial 016 for the Aout configuration:

Common AOUT modules are connected to J19 of the MBHP_CORE_STM32 module:

J19:Vs -> AOUT Vs

J19:Vd -> AOUT Vd



J19:RC1 -> AOUT CS

Still does not work. I am getting CV gates, clocks, and triggers over the line drivers from the Dout SR's but no CV from the Aout_NG. I have tried at the core on J19 and over the line drivers and nothing, just 10v or so from the outputs. The lack of system clock at J19 makes me think this is a configuration issue, but i have CV gates. There is no SC at pin PB3 on the Discovery board.


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Does the voltage change at the TLV5630 outputs (pin 12, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 8, 9)?

See the schematic to find the outputs: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=seppoman:mbhp_aout_ng_r1_schematic.pdf

The REF output might be interesting as well, it should output 2V once the TLB5630 has been correctly configured.

You can re-configure the device in the MBSEQ CV Configuration page during runtime (w/o power-cycling the core) by selecting a different interface, and then AOUT_NG again.

Last but not least: I just noticed that there is an integrated AOUT troubleshooting app in the MBSEQ firmware, which might help as well!
Enter "testaoutpin" in MIOS Terminal to get the appr. help page

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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The voltage does not change at any of these pins on the TLV5630, I've tried running the seq and adjusting the calibration control in CV Configuration while monitoring.

Values I get are

12.  4.20v

13.  4.20v

14.  4.20v

15  4.20v

6.  .17v

7.  .32v

8.  4.20v

9.  4.20v

Ref (Pin 16) is at  .02v

I can toggle the three pins CS, SC, Si at core J19 using MIOS terminal and get 0v and 4.6v on each with testaoutpin 0 and 1

I also tried a LPC17 core using a new SD card and config with the same results and no Aout_NG action

I'm lost, usually things go very smooth with Midibox stuff

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Could you please check with the "testaoutpin" command if the control signals also go to the DIN/SCLK/FS pin of the TLV5630? (pin 2/3/4) - if this is the case, the problem must be on the AOUT_NG board. Check all supply pins (GND and VDD pins), something seems to be wrong there.

If still no luck, we can't exclude that the chip is defective.

Best Regards, Thorsten.


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Tested at the TLV5630 pins and got very erratic readings. Have to shelve this for a little while because I want to play my new Midibox Seq, thanks for the help TK & Latigid_on. I will keep you posted when I get a new IC to try.

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  • 1 year later...
On ?2015?-?11?-?22 at 0:12 PM, TK. said:

If still no luck, we can't exclude that the chip is defective.

My problem seems to be solved now by replacing the chip, I now have the correct CV  available at J5. It took so long to get around to this because I wanted to learn the SeqV4 operation, so I built a Midibox_NG to test out CV functions. Time well spent I think. Looking forward to getting CV going in the SeqV4. Thanks to all. [Solved]

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  • 3 months later...


It came time to do major work on my modular cabinet and I thought I'd install the Aout module in it. But.
I'm still having the problem of Aout_NG not working from SeqV4, no voltage when trying to calibrate on CV Configuration page. Aout_NG is selected as the output. CV gates, clocks, and drum tiggers all working from Dout module. Confirmed CV_AOUT_Type 3 in MBSEQ_GC.V4
I've tested Aout_NG from J19 on the same core using MB_NG running a "simple CV" script, Aout_NG works on all 8 channels, when MIOS Studio keyboard notes used on USB 1.
In fact I've tested Aout_NG on the 3 different core boards, 1 LPC, 2 STM32F4 same results, Aout working with MB_NG, SeqV4 not.
I've tested from MIOS Studio using "testaoutpin" cs -si- so to J19 with good switching between 4.8v & 0v.
I can only think of something I'm not doing right in the SEQV4 installation/setup, but I've no idea what at this point, help!

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Is the issue still with the line driver/receiver? Can you get the AOUT to work when using _NG with data passing through the driver/receiver? 

Often my AOUT_NG needs a reset; it can be that the PSU doesn't stabilise fast enough to receive an init command correctly. This is easiest done by changing the AOUT type back and forth in the CV setup menu (e.g. AOUT_NG -> _LC -> _NG). 

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The line driver is working in a MB_NG configuration, giving me Aout CV and CV_Gate, drum triggers clocks in a SEQV4 configuration, just no CV. I've put the line driver aside and am testing straight from the core J19 now. Have tried 3 different power supplies and have pulled J17 at some point in the testing also, same result each time, no CV from Aout_NG when using SeqV4/wilba front panel. I have also tried reselecting Aout_NG in the CV configuration page.

Edited by slo
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