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MIDIbox Server Move this weekend!


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Hi *,

the midibox.org server will be moved to a new location this Friday evening (CET).
The forum will be down for ca. 2 hours, thereafter it will be available under
Once the updated domain records have been propagated to the DNS server of your service provider, you will be able to use the URL http://forum.midibox.org again!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Twin-X for hosting midibox.org on his server for more than 10 years!
He helped us to keep the site online during a difficult situation anno 2005 where bandwidth did matter.

I remember the times where the previous midibox.org servers that we tried were dramatically slowed down or just not available for the remaining month once we exceeded the bandwidth limits (typically after new MIDIbox SID V1 demo publications)! No issue after Twin-X jumped in - I was even able to publish videos w/o the downtime danger (for the younger fellows of this forum: the time before YouTube or Facebook which started to provide this possibility for free!!!)

Twin-X gave us a solid home which resulted into a growing user base and a nice place to talk with so many people who follow the same DIY spirit! :)

Times have changed, technology improved, cloud based servers are common today, easy to setup and fast enough to host a site like midibox.org
The new server is owned by myself, and it’s completely founded by the community, thanks to the donations that I got in the last months (I got more „beers“ than I could actually consume!!! ;-)

Looking forward for the next years of fruitful discussions & publications about our hobby: MIDIbox DIY fun!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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