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Midiboxed drawer cabinet


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Hi there,


One of my biggest project so far: the Klankkast! (dutch for resonator box) It's just a drawing cabinet with a simple HP computer in side, running Ableton with some Max4Live stuff controlled by Midibox!

It's an educational instrument for schoolkids to start improvising. I builded it togher with Martijn Koomen (he did all the wonderfull woodwork) for an educational institute in the south of the Netherlands.

It's a MIDIbox NG (stm32F4) for all analog input, sliders and pots, and the touch tips are connected to a Core8 running MIDIO128 V2. Special thanks again for TK for pointing me in this direction!!!

Here's my first video of the cabinet!


Cheers and enjoy watching!


Klankkast 2015-05.jpg

Klankkast 2015-06.jpg

Klankkast 2015-02.jpg

Klankkast 2015-03.jpg


Edited by Elektruck
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That's really cool! How long did it take you to build this. It looks like a lot of effort has gone into this. I love the portable design.

I'm curious about the speakers. Have you put much effort/moddeling into getting the design of the box right? If so, how did you go on about this? I'm asking as this is something that is on my to do list.

Best Regards


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Hi Mathis,

It took a long time to succeed this indeed. The idea started in 2011, I made a simple MIDIbox with an Ikea cabinet and showed it to a cultural/educational company. It was just a mixer, you opened a drawer and a sound came out, see here. The company was really interested and asked my to build one for them so schools could use it. We descided it should do more than just mixing some sounds, so we started brainstorming and came with the concept of improvising with pentatonic scales. Then they came with the woodworking man, great guy, but all this getting together with different people took long time. Everybody busy, etc, so there were months even years, the project lay down.

And there were several technical difficulties to sort out. Non tecnical teachers should be able to pick up the cabinet, take it to school, plug in power and play with it. The machine must start up,and start up Ableton etc, without any errors. What if kids pull out the plug and put it in again. In the end that was the hardest part for me, cause I'm no special computer expert and no programmer at all, and it's quite an unusual situation. But with different fora I managed this problem.

I also builded some max4live devices and that was also completely new for me. In the end it was a lot of work, but I learned a lot, and it's great stuff to do!

For the speakers I didn't put any effort into the design. I just searched second hand sites for 'flat-speakers' and found Magnat S-10 speakers. They were flat, sounded good and had enough power to give the sound body. It worked out well, only some resonating thrills on low sounds, but that's just the woodwork. 



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